Part 1

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Driving to the BAU for your first day of work you are nervous and excited at the same time. You are expected to meet your new colleagues you hope that they would like you and you did well in the job. Walking in the doors you are greeted by the team.
"Hello, agent y/n y/l/n, this is agent Emily Prentiss, agent Jennifer Jareau, agent Dr. Spencer Reid, agent Derek Morgan, agent David Rossi and our technical analyst, Penelope Garcia and you know who I am." Hotch says. Of course hello everyone I look forward to working with everyone. Everyone told you welcome to the team and gave you a handshake except Reid.
Before you know it you have a case JJ presents the case you are going to Atlantic City, two victims have been kidnapped and drugged and killed and dressed and makeup to look like dolls.
"Wheels up in 30," Hotch says. When you're on the plane you discuss the details.
Keeping women in a conscious paralysis reads as sadism, you say.
"Definitely dehumanizing, reducing them to objects," Morgan says.
"But there's nothing else about this profile that takes us down that path," Rossi says.
"These women were found in excellent condition. There is no evidence of bed sores, they were well fed through an I.V." JJ says.
"If he has access to I.V.s and drugs he almost certainly has medical training," Reid says.
Are we even sure this is a he? You point out.
"Y/l/n has a point the care this unsub shows these victims, although they are dehumanized it profiles as female," Prentiss says.
"What about the postmortem posing? That's a lot of dead weight for a woman to carry," Hotch says.
"These women are petite. They're under 100 pounds." JJ says.
"Alright, if we reconsider the gender of the profile, what changes?" Hotch says.
"Nothing, if anything it fits better," Morgan says.
Men kill to fulfill a sexual compulsion women don't you say.
"You see this in angel of mercy killers, like Genene Jones and Amy Archer. They didn't care about race or hair color, it's men who do."
"Damn straight men do," Garcia says.
"Well hello red," Morgan says.
"Garcia what did you find out about the clothing the unsub's dress the victims in?" Hotch says.
"At first only that both garments were made from chiffon but with the wonder twin powers of the Atlantic City Police and my impeccable eye for fashion, we have also determined that these garments fit ridiculously well. They're super flattering to each victim's exact measurements, kind of exactly like the unsub whipped them up herself."
Maybe that's what connects the victims you say.
"How so?" Hotch says.
Maybe she just isn't just killing petite women because they're easier to abduct and pose but because of a physical type she wants a body type, you say.
"Sewing clothes for a specific size of women," Morgan says.
"Please tell me she isn't killing these women because she needs human models I mean there's gotta be more to it than that," JJ says.
"There probably is but at least we have a start on the victimology," Rossi says.
"Prentiss and Morgan I want you to interview the victim's families talk to them about lifestyle choices any body image issues these women may have had, Reid and Morgan go to Rita Suart's autopsy see if the drugs point to any specific medical training the usub might have had, y/l/n and I will go to the disposal sites and Garcia," Hotch says
"Sir?" Garcia says.
"I want you to check missing persons reports for the last 2 months see if any abductions match what we know we need to find out if the unsub's already taken another victim," Hotch says.
We all go to the places where Hotch tells us to go and figure out the information to catch the unsub. You get back and you're talking with JJ and Emily and asking if Hotch is always this tense.
"Sometimes he is but he just lost his wife not too long ago and just came back to work," Emily says.
Oh jeez, I didn't know that's terrible, you say.
Garcia gives us some missing reports and some leads and we find out that she doesn't give a body up till she has a replacement. Another body had been found which means that she recently has kidnapped a new woman. We find out she is a collector and are ready to give the profile.
"The unsub we are looking for is a woman she's a collector it's a psychopathology similar to hoarding," Hotch says.
"So when we say hoarding we're not talking about stamps or baseball cards it's not what your kids or even you might pursue as a normal hobby," Rossi says.
"This is an attachment to object that's become obsessive by someone who is antisocial and extremely introverted," Hotch says.
These people attach a part of themselves to their collection if you try to separate them from it or take it away from them they will react violently even psychologically, you say.
"They have suffered damage to their prefrontal cortex that's the part of the brain that regulates basic freudian fantasy/reality they can still function like drive a car go to work even do their taxes," Reid says.
In fact, she excels at goal-oriented jobs like the precision of sewing or the details of abduction" Morgan says.
"But they've lost their ability to categorize the difference between living and the dead uh belonging and loss that has irreparably destroyed," Reid says.
We think she is collecting actually replacing dolls we believe that she may have lost the originals sometime within the last 3 months and that is what served as her stressor, you say.
"She has searched for a replacement and when she couldn't find them she started abducting the closest possible surrogate," Rossi says.
"Woman of different ethnicities but of similar physicality," Prentiss says.
"The drug-induced paralysis is part of the fantasy sh puts her victims in a position where they can't talk back so she can fetishize them like the objects she's lost," Morgan says.
"Um look I respect you analysis but this woman kidnapped 6 women and killed 3 of them and your telling me this is about dolls?" Said a police officer.
This unsub stitched a wig onto the scalp of her latest victim it's a technique used to attach hair to porcelain dolls, you say.
"And keep in mind that collectors and serial killers do share certain traits a lot of serial killers take trophies attracting the same significance to them that this collector does to objects," Reid says.
"But this unsub's intent isn't violence she needs this collection to be complete so she can feel in control of her life probably to overcome some trauma she experienced," Rossi says
She really only feels that control when the collection is complete which is why she's repeating an abduction pattern with living victims if she looses a doll or in this case if she looses a woman who represents a doll she has to replace it," says Reid.
"This woman works alone we know she has medical training look for nurses aides or orderlies who were fired for lack of social graces she can't fake a bedside manner," says Hotch
"We believe she is currently working as a tailor or a seamstress and we are following those leads now but do let us know if you notice any overlap in your suspect pools thank you," Prentiss says
We follow up on some leads and find out she sews the clothes herself and that is her signature and find out she has been doing it for a long time. And finding out one of the kidnapped victims is a diabetic which means we needed to work fast to find her. And also find out that the longer we don't find the victim the more hope that she is still alive and her body could be breaking down the drugs faster. Then we find out the doll collection she is trying to recreate. Trying to see if reading the essays written by the hundreds of girls see if anything stands out while Emily looks at the dresses and we find Samantha Malcolms old dresses look like the unsubs. We then call Garcia and get all the facts about her and go to make an arrest.
Thank goodness we got all of these women out alive and I'm ready to go back home, you say.
The whole team agrees with you as you all get on the plane. You and hotch are sitting across from each other at the table.
"I was certainly impressed by the work you did today y/l/n you did great on your first day," Hotch says.
"Oh thank you Sir and you can call me y/n when we aren't on a case," you say.
"Of course y/n I think you will fit in very well here," Hotch says
Well I certainly hope so Sir, you say.
"If I get to call you y/n you get to call me Aaron just don't let the team hear that they will go all crazy," he laughs as he says the last part.
Ok I'll make sure they don't hear it I don't mean to change the mood but I'm sorry about your ex-wife I head she passed away.
"Thank you it's ok it's just hard rn I have just gotten back from the break but I was ready to come back I love this job,"
Well that's good that you love this job I'd be worried if you didn't, you say.
"We are supposed to be landing in a few," jj said.
You land get all your paperwork done and go home for the night.

Okay that is going to be it for this first chapter please let me know if it's too long and what you think so I can fix whatever in the next chapter :)
I don't know when the next chapter will be done but follow me and I'll keep you updated ♥️

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