Part 5

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Sitting at the table we have a case in Ashburn, Virginia which we don't have to travel anywhere for the case which is always a plus. A child has been taken. Children cases are always the worst and always the hardest it makes even harder when they've been abducted.

"Aimee Lynch 8 years old was taken an hour ago from a winter festival in Ashburn" JJ

"Any witnesses?" EP

"Her mom Barbra was right next to her when she vanished" JJ

There must have been hundreds of people there. No one saw anything? I asked.

"It's a temporary gathering with little to no security" SR

"All right, Reid you and I are going to head to the family's house the three of you I want you to work with Garcia. We need to look at every local abduction or attempted one in the past year see if there is any overlap" DM

"Good news is that we're barely into the second hour" JJ

"Yeah, well odds are we've only got 22 hours to find Aimee alive so let's do this" DM

I'm watching the news while they give out the description of Aimee when someone comes up to talk to me.

"Uh exuse me I'd like to talk to Agent Jareau" a lady says.

Can I help you? I ask.

"Whoever took Aimee Lynch took my son too." She says.
I go to Garcia's office to find JJ.

Hey JJ there's a woman here who says her son was abducted by the same offender I say.

"Has she been drinking?" JJ

Yeah, I'm pretty sure. How'd you know that?

"Sarah Hillridge. She lost her son Charlie 8 years ago. She comes in every time a child around his age goes missing." JJ

She still thinks her son is still alive.

"Yeah I know" JJ

"I remember her she stays for the first 24 hours right?" PG

"Yeah and there's only 8 hours left" JJ

JJ goes and talks to Sarah see if she can help the situation. While me and Emily go sit at the round table see if we got any information from Spencer and Derek.

Ya I got it I say into the phone and hang up. Aimee's mom was distracted by a mother looking for her daughter, and she's blaming herself for looking away.

"Wait Sarah. Sarah said the same thing when Charlie was taken. There was a mother searching for her lost son. Do you.. do you think it's a coincidence?" JJ

"Or what? A ruse?" EP

"That's pretty specific right?" JJ

Add to that a target-rich environment with no security yeah I say.

"Okay, so if the woman was a distraction who took Aimee? A partner?" JJ

Well,if it's the same people they've been doing this for close to a decade I say.


"Look we all think Aimee is alive. No one's given up hope on her. That's why there's hundreds of volunteers and officers combing every inch of the county" AH.

"But they're dragging the rivers and digging up the woods that's not gonna help us if Aimee is still with the unsub if she is still alive out there, you argue.

"What about Charlie? Is he still alive?" DM

"Sarah believes it" JJ

"8 years she's been saying the same thing JJ. Have you thought about why you suddenly believe her? Do you think it might be your a mother?" DM

Sit down and shut up// Aaron hotchner x readerWhere stories live. Discover now