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The picture above  belongs to someone  you'll all be seeing very soon😉.

  Other than that.Enjoy!

And don't forget to like,comment down below what you thought of this chapter and follow me if you haven't already and you want to see more from me.😘


They walked into the moderately large building,filled with bustling people in suits and work attire,some with phones held to their ears,others just rushing off to their normal work activities.

There was a gruff looking large man waiting for them at the entrance, he rushed to Blake's side chatting away pleasantries as they made their way into the elevator.

  After a while of exchanging information and the man's unsettling curiosity, she was finally acknowledged.

"This is my personal assistant, Elizabeth Banks"
Blake introduced.

The man whose name was Marco,stretched out his hand for a handshake ,a smile wide on his lips.

"Its a pleasure to meet you miss Banks"

He slithered out.

Forcing down her initial shock,she smiled politely and returned the handshake.

He gripped her hand with strong fervor. She felt crawls all over her body from her hand upwards.

She quickly retracted her hand and turned back to her side beside Blake,who seemed to be growing impatient.

They exited the elevator and were ushered into a wide conference room.

There sat six elderly looking men,clad in suits and balding hair.

   They oozed pride and arrogance but they were no match for Blake as he walked to the head of the table,taking his seat,with Lizzy by his side.The men all sat up and stiffened at his dominance.

  The presentation began sometime after that.

  Lizzy tried her mightiest to ward off the looks from one of the men at the table.

Blake was doing the presentation with charts and demographic and she sat there taking notes but occasionally when she would glance round the room when they added an input, the hairs on the back of her neck would stand on edge when her eyes landed on the big man sitting adjacent her,his unwavering gaze and lustful expression made her uncomfortable.

His feet kept touching hers no matter how much farther hers went.It seemed like his legs went on forever but in reality there wasn't much room for her to move her legs to without drawing attention.

So she simply shifted her legs from side to side every time the man managed to catch up with her own trying her best not to squirm or shift in her sit.

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"Eyes on the road Blake" Lizzy stated without glancing at him.

He frowned in concern

"First tell me what's wrong?"
She said nothing.

"Lizzy,You've been awfully quiet since our meeting this morning"
He stated.

She said nothing,just glared ahead at the room,her lips pursed in deep thought.

He let out a few Spanish curse words.

"Just tell me what's wrong?" He said frustrated.

She turned then and gazed at him thoughtfully,her eyes searching his.

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