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     Waking up with an eerie feeling was definitely not how she imagined her first day at work to be like.
     She wasn't an overall superstitious person but she was worried.
     She got up at 4:00am,took a bath, brushed and cooked breakfast and she left for work by 7:00am before Lilly woke up. She tried to push back the feelings she was having on her bus ride to work.

     Standing outside the glass doors of stone industries again, she felt scared.
    Her first day on the job. She didn't know how it would be like once she stepped in for work. That's what scared her.

  On her way in, she earned killer looks from the receptionist, Sarah but,she smiled at her, knowing deep down down that it will always annoy her seeing her face at work every time.

   Carrying the two cups of hot coffee in her hands, she stepped into the crowded elevator.

  His coffee latte had no milk or sugar, it was just black. Hers had both milk and sugar.
   She learnt about it yesterday along with his likes and dislikes, about the company etcetera. It was mailed to her via e-mail address last night and she stayed up all night reading it.

   She got stares from different people in the elevator. She was new, that was obvious .They could sense her nervousness through the constant tapping of her left leg.

   As soon as the elevator door opened, there was the horde of people coming in and out, shuffling her along the way.
   She had to hold in her breath and squeeze through till she made it out at last.

        Carrying the cups of coffee victorious, her smile couldn't be contained. She walked down to her desk outside Mr. Blake's office.
     She set her stuff down and went to knock on his door. No answer came.
  She stepped into his office to find it empty.
  "Hello."she looked around the room. But still no Mr. Blake.
  "Sir?.. " she was starting to get chills.

   She walked over to his desk and set the coffee on his desk. Placing it in a place that it could be visibly seen.
   Smiling,she walked backwards to inspect her work but she lost her footing and fell... Into strong arms wrapped around her shoulders.
     She looked into those mesmerizing chocolate brown eyes.
     As soon as she got back her senses ,she scrambled to her feet .
     There was an awkward silence.
  But she finally spoke
  "Am so sorry,clumsy me"she cleared her throat,chuckling shyly.
    Nothing, no reaction from him.
She took it as he didn't want to talk to her. She cringed inwardly at her foolish mistake on her first day.

   At least that's what she thought. Blake was thinking about a whole different thing, like the way that tight black and white pencil skirt accentuated  her hips and clung to that tiny waist and the top. It stretched over those taut moulds of skin.
    He felt his libido come to life. He wasn't the kind of guy who had no control over his libido, but right now, looking at her, he couldn't help it.

       Lizzy turned to walk out to give him some space. But he wasn't haven't that.
    He pulled her head towards his and pulled her down for a kiss, digging his tongue into her mouth. He held on tightly as Lizzy struggled.
   She tasted like mint. He was starting to develop a fascination for mint.

  He thrust deep into her mouth and suckled her tongue biting her lip gently as well.

     Lizzy couldn't wrap her head  around all this. The initial shock  was gone  replaced by a mind- blowing feeling.
  She has never been kissed like this before .Hell, she'd never been kissed before he came along.
     This would be her second kiss in a row and she enjoyed it.

   But as soon as he took it too far, she started struggling.
   Feeling his hand trail up her thigh to the juncture between her legs.
  She tried to put a halt to his brutal kissing but he had her backed against his desk, lifting her up to place her on it.

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