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My new book is going to be coming out soon.So I need your  support.Follow me to see when I upload the first chapter.

The book cover will be down below.

Yah!!!am so excited.

On my way to 1k followers.
And 1k likes!!!💞💞

Let's move on.
I'd like to see all your feed back.
"Do you think its worth it?"


She got out of bed and stretched the kinks in her body.
She brushed her teeth after spewing the contents of last night.

Her head felt like a load of bricks.She headed straight for the kitchen not minding what time it was.

  Locating the medkit,she quickly swallowed some aspirin for her headache along with a glass of water.

  Trying to calm the raging headache,she massaged her temples with her thumbs.

Like a truckload ,the events of the night before came crashing down on her.

   There was blasting music and glittering lights everywhere inside the club.
With the paparazzi packed outside,trying to get an inside scoop of the latest and hottest night club around and some pictures for sale.

  They had to make a living.

The deafening music were blasting through the overhead speakers.

"What are we doing here?"
She had to screamed over the music.

"For the after party.I just need to get some things done and we'll be out,okay?"
He answered, also raising his voice over the loud music.

"Okay" she nodded.

They moved further into the crowd and the sea of people dancing and having fun.

They were ushered into a private booth secluded from the rest of the club and a floor higher too.

The DJ switched up a few songs and she found herself moving to the beats.

Suddenly finding some courage,she dragged him out for a dance.
She couldn't believe she had but she chose to savour the moment.

They both danced to the music.
After a while,they piled up on more champagne.

Blake seemed to have a strong vigour for alcohol and Lizzy couldn't hold her liquor.
Soon she was swaying and giggling.

Amused,Blake tried to get her off the dance floor but she was adamant about it.
Pouting and stomping her feet like a child would when told to stop doing what they liked.

TENDING TO THE STORMHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin