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"So let's rehearse again" she turned towards him.
Before he could protest,she spoke
"Ava,your sister, 20 years old,blond,pretty blue eyes.
Rue,your older brother,30 years old..."
She said more to herself than to the grinning man beside her.

He took her hands in his and looked into her eyes.

"Its okay if you don't remember everything. What matters is that you're there with me."
He squeezed her hand in reassurance.

Her smile was wary but she nodded
"Thank you".

Then she fidgeted and moved away again,worry lines deep on her forehead.
He felt a twinge of guilt.
Guilt that he was dragging her into this for his company and his own's gain.

"But what if they don't like me or ...they realize that this a façade." She had her hands almost to her face before she remembered she had makeup on.

She didn't want 'smudged makeup' to be added to the list of things they would fault her for.

Blake laughed clutching his belly as he laughed so hard.

He calmed down then smiled up at her
"Well,if that happens,then I'll just pull you away from the party and save you."
He grinned widely.

She relaxed and smiled at his joke.
"Thank you".
She held his hand in gratitude.

"You have nothing to be worried about ,okay?"

She nodded.Then sighed as she relaxed into the comfy seat.

               🌸  🌸  🌸  🌸
A few minutes later...
"Are you ready?"
He asked her just as Roberto was rounding the car to open his door.

She smiled and said
"As ready as I'll ever be"

He smiled up at her and got out of the limo.
She took a few steadying breaths as he rounded to open her own door.

Extending his hand ,she took it and got out of the car.She took a few shuddering breaths as the lights and cameras flashed.

Swarms of paparazzi crowded the entrance,behind the crowbar used to demarcate them and keep them from going too close.

Blake wrapped an arm round her waist and led her inside,smiling at the cameras that flashed.
He looked so in his element that she couldn't help but feel pride as they both entered the room. Smiling up at the man that had her in his arms reassuringly.

The first thing she observed as they got into the room was all eyes were on them.

She held on tighter to Blake's arm.He urged her to keep walking and they did, she tried to ignore all the killer looks and envy stares she was getting from all the single and married ladies around the room.

She glanced around the room trying to place the faces of the people in the room.She recognized some faces from the research she had done but the others were a mystery to her.

  Coming toward them was someone who had a striking resemblance to Blake but he seemed older and more rugged but still had his handsome looks,she recognized him  instantly.

He must be Blake's brother,Rue.
"My man,its good to see you".
They exchanged handshakes and a hug and Rue gave him a pat on the back.

Breaking apart,his gaze fell on Lizzy.
She gave him a polite smile and extended her hand for a handshake.

" Am Elizabeth Elliot,but you can call me Lizzy."she explained as he took her handshake.
Gesturing towards Blake,
"I'm his girlfriend." She said.

There were more stares from all over the room.

Rue grinned widely,He said
"I know"

   he whispered to Blake
"She's perfect for you"
Lizzy blushed.
   He gestured towards the crowd
"Come on,mum's waiting for you".
They followed him.

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