Chapter 9: Presents and Birthdays

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It was end of March and in two days it was the twin's birthday. The cafè had been opened for two weeks now, all repaired from the damage of the night and going again. I still lived at the burrow and had ended renting my apartment. I enjoyed the lifestyle I had at the moment. Fred would come visit almost every day and Molly and I had really bonded. Although I was now fully aware of my feelings towards Fred, I never said anything.

"Come to eat dear!" Molly shouted from the kitchen. I hurried downstairs, crossing paths with the twins in the middle. We greeted each other and continued moving towards the long-waited food. Molly, Fred, George and I were sitting at the table. It wasn't long when mr.Weasley's head on the weird clock they had turned to home and mr.Weasley himself walked in. "Hello," he said to all of us and gave Molly a little kiss on the lips. The boys grimaced at that, but I thought it was cute. "Well, dig in!" Molly said and everybody started eating at once.

The next day's evening I was packing the present when Fred stormed in. I quickly covered the present with my body. "Get out!" I yelled, but not rudely. Fred understood quickly what this was about, grinned and walked out. Ten minutes later just when I was done packing I heard Fred from behind the door. "You done yet?" he asked me. I invited him in. I put the box in the closet and when I turned around he was in front of me, closer I thought he would be. He blushed and stepped away. "Anyway...uh...I wanted to talk to you," he stuttered out. My heart skipped a beat. "Yes?" I asked, my voice cracking a little. I didn't even know what he wanted to say, but I was already scared. It seemed like in the last second, he decided to change his mind about something. "Uh, I have an idea for something. You know, for your cafè," he said. I sighed in relief. "Yeah what is it?" I asked him. "I thought that maybe there could be like this tea or coffee that would have each a different product of ours in it," he said. I was suprised by the fact that I actually liked the idea. "Sure," I said and his face lit up. "Really?" he asked me happily. He pushed me up with his arms and spun me around the tiny room. For a second a small scream came out of my mouth and then I started laughing.

"I know it must be fun up there, but please shut it!" we heard George yell and took it as a que to stop. But after that we wre still laughing and talking about the new idea of Fred's. When we told George about it he was in within a second. The rest of the day went quickly and soon I was asleep in my bed.

The next day I woke up to Molly whispering my name and shaking me softly. "What?" I grunted, in a bad mood because of the interuption of my good sleep. "You have to help me finish the cake and setting the table," Molly whispered and left quickly. I yawned and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and get ready.

Soon I was in the kitchen, carrying the present. I gasped in amazement. The kitchen wasn't really decorated, but there was a banner up that said: Happy birthday Fred and George writted in red. I loved the fact that in this home, family was important. Even though they didn't have a lot of money they still did as much as they could. That never happened in my household, but I was here now. Wasn't I?

I did as Molly had wanted. I finished setting the breakfast table and finished putting the decorations on the cake. The birthday boys walked in the moment I was done with a grin curved on their face.
"Happy birthday!" me, Molly and mr.Weasley said in union.

A/N: Hi, I just wanted to thank you to the few that are reading and say that I hope you have enjoyed the story so far. Also it would really be helpful if you voted and commented. I know its comfortable to be a silent reader, but it really does help the writer.

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