Chapter 6: Wedding Dates

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It had been a month since the accident and it was a chilly evening of the end of February. Me and Molly were cleaning the kitchen when Bill and Fleur came in. Bill was one of Molly's many sons and Fleur was his fiancèe. Molly and Ginny didn't really like him, thought she was just using her veela powers on him and would leave him soon. But I saw the trueness in their love. Yes, Fleur was a little too strict with how people should act and should calm down a little, but I knew she loved him. Fleur appriciated it.

"Hello mom," Bill greeted his mother. "Hello Ophelia," he said when he noticed me. "Hello Janie," Fleur said and when noticing Molly's angry look added: "Hello Mrs.Weasley." Molly smiled a little and got back to cleaning the counter. Fleur and I had a small talk about our lives and their wedding, but soon they had to go and unpack.

I felt someone's arms wrap around me and into a hug. "Hello Opi," Fred said, resting his head on my right shoulder. "I told you to stop calling me that," I snapped at him, but a second later I was laughing. "Hellooo, lovebirds," George said jokingly. I punched his arm with little effort, because I didn't actually wanna harm him. When Fred let go of me and sat on one of the many chairs I asked:
"So, how did the meeting go?"
George was the first to answer.
"Nothing happened really, all we did was argue and yell at each other."
"Mom, I see your hand is better," he said when Molly was carrying a heavy looking pot with both of her hands. She only blushed, put the pot on the table, mumbeled something and headed back. The truth was she was tired of the Order just arguing about Voldemort's next move, but we all just laughed and started talking about the twin's new idea.

I hadn't been back at the cafè and my apartment in fear it was unsafe and when no one said anything I just kind of stayed. I knew I had to go soon, but I wanted to enjoy being part of an actual family for a while longer.

When all of us, Bill, Fleur, the twins, Molly and mr.Weasley were sitting at the table we finally digged in. I wasn't really paying attention to what the twins were saying, but then I heard Fred say something and my head snapped towards them. "Only if Opi is my date," was the thing Fred had said. "What?" I asked, my mouth full of potatoes. Fred, George and Bill laughed, but Fleur made a disgusted face. "Fred said he will only come to the wedding when you are his date," Bill explained. "Oh, okay then," I said casually. Fred's face lit up like a christmas tree and he blushed, George and Bill were grinning. "What?" I asked once more, but never got the answer since the two burst into laughter. Fred wasn't laughing, but I didn't really think much about it.

I was already drifting off to sleep when I heard a knock on my, well, Ron's (another one of Molly's sons) door. "Come in," I basically whispered. Apparently it was enough for the knocker because I heard the door open and Fred's voice. "Hey Opi," he said and I turned around in my bed so I could see him. "Hey Fred, what do you need?" I asked. He stepped forward and kneeled down beside the bed, resting his head on the wall. He turned his head enough to face me. "Did you mean it? I mean, that you'll go to the wedding with me?" he finally stuttered out. I smiled. "Of course, why not?" I said. Now it was his turn to smile. "Wicked," he said before falling asleep. I just looked at him. I looked at him for a while. He looked so peaceful while sleeping, no hint of the prankster's grin on his face. I soon turned away, one again facing the window and drifted off.

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