Ch 11- teeth pulled

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"I don't want teeth pulled" I complain to dad

"You just have to have one pulled now be a good girl and sit in the chair" dad says

"Ugh" i say and I sit in the chair

He places a bib on me. Then reclined me back and he puts on gloves and mask and grabs the numbing jelly.

"Open wide" he says

I open wide and he rubs the numbing jelly on my gum line. He lets that sit for a minute then he grabs the needle.

"Open wide and close your eyes if you don't want to see the needle" dad says

I open wide and close my eyes and I felt a small pinch. I flinched a bit. He finally takes the needle out.

"Alright I'll let that set for a few minutes" he says

I close my mouth and let it set for a few minutes

A few minutes pass then he asks

"You numb yet?"

I nod

"It will be quick and painless open wide" dad said

I open my mouth. Dad grabs the pair of pliers.

He wiggles out the tooth and it pops out.

Then he uses suction to clean up the blood. Then places gauze and has me bite down.

He returns the chair to normal state. He removes his gloves and lowers his mask under his Chin.

I get up

"Where's Milo" dad asks

"I have no clue" I say

"Could you go find him?" Dad asks

"Sure" I say and walk out of the room and search for Milo

"Milo!" I called through the hallways of the office. I stopped near the bathroom and heard sniffles.

I knocked on the door.


I heard a knock on the door. It was either dad of Shilo. I hope it was not dad.

"Who is it" I sniffle

"It's me" shilo says

"What do you want" I say

"Dad wants you" Shilo says

"Tell him to suck it I'm not getting it done or getting braces" I say angrily

"Okay.. but he's not gonna be happy" Shilo said as she walks away.

A few minutes later I hear angry footsteps coming toward the door.

"Milo open up" dad pounded on the bathroom door.

"It's gonna hurt" I say

"I promise it won't just please open up" dad kept saying

I wipe my eyes then approach the door and unlock it and open the door where I came face to face with Dad and Shilo.

"Bud it's not gonna hurt you will be numbed" dad said

"With a needle" I whisper

"Yea but I'll give you numbing jelly and laughing gas if you want" dad offers

"Ok" I say still not wanting to do this.

I open the door and follow him to the exam room.

He told me to take a seat which I did. "You want the laughing gas now?"

I nod

He grabs the thing that goes over my nose. Then turns it on. I felt better immediately.

He asked me to open which I did he out the numbing jelly then he did the needles. It didn't hurt as much as I thought it would. Then he had me get numb for a few minutes then grabs the pliers.

He pulls the two teeth and it didn't hurt. He cleans up the blood with suction and rinsing and has me bite down on some gauze then takes the laughing gas knob off.

Dad cleans up and we all finally go home. The rest of the day was easy. Dad checked our gauze a couple hours later and takes it out because it stopped bleeding. He made some vegetable soup which was really good and watched movies and played the wii for the rest of the day

We get braces soon I'm not excited

My dad, the dentist Where stories live. Discover now