Church of the Holy Penguins, At Your Service (Class Salt)

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I got this idea last week, and I'm laughing at the title name lol. This is a troll chapter, and I tried to make it funny. Please vote, comment, and maybe consider to follow me. It's free, and you can always unfollow later on.

"The Church of Holy Penguins?!" Lila asked.

"Yeah, it's a church where people worship the holiest of penguins!" Alya exclaimed.

"Oh, of course!" Lila blurted out," My uncle is the person who founded the church!"

"Whoa! Really?!" Alya held up record.

"My uncle is the founder of the Church of Holy Penguins!" Lila lied on the document.

The church's real founder, Kevin Meng, found out that a girl was lying that he was her uncle. Really, his actual daughters was Sophia and Grace. (That's my real name) So, he sent the both of them to expose the stupid girl. He assisted them with a small penguin with a pink leopard coat and pink earmuffs.

They both enrolled in Miss Bustier's class. When everyone first met them, they all thought that Sophia was like Rose, Grace was the type to not talk or have lots of friends, and that she got irritated easily. They were all wrong. Sophia loved to curse at people when she was irritated, which was very common, while Grace had seen many bloody things as a child and was obssesed with bloody games, even if she was a child. They both hurt each other when they were mad.

The small penguin in Sophia's hands was too tempted to ask the classmates for lunch money. Everyone assumed that Sophia loved her stuffed animal, oh how wrong they were . . .

When Sophia wasn't looking, the small penguin hopped out of her grasp, and waddled to Alya. Alya noticed the small fluffy penguin right next to her desk.

"Huh?" Alya knew that was Sophia's penguin and if she found out that she lost it, she could become akumatized easily.

But, what shocked Alya the most is that the small penguin took her pencil and paper, and quickly scribbled something down. "Give me your lunch money", it read. Shocked, Alya was curious, and gave it her lunch money.

The penguin used her small beak, and snatched the money from Alya.  She then hopped off her desk, looking for her next victim. The small penguin traveled to Lila's desk, and held out a tray with the words,"Give me your lunch money." Lila gave it her lunch money, as she was curious on what would happen.

Sophia burst into the room.

"OK PEOPLE, LISTEN UP!" Her loud voice shocked everyone, including Marinette.

She wasn't as quiet as they thought she was.


Lila took this as an oppertunity for attention. 

"Is this yours?" She picked up the small penguin.

"Yeah actually. Thanks Lila."

Marinette growled slightly at Lila.

The penguin hopped out of Lila's hands, and waddled over to Sophia's side.

"There you are, Penguino. Did you get the lunch money for the church?"

The small penguin nodded. Sophia picked up the penguin and was about to leave.

"Hey, what are you talking about? What church?" Alya questioned.

"Well, first of all. Be careful who your talking to. Second," Sophia and Grace did a mocking bow.

"Church of the Holy Penguins, at your service."

"And you're getting a lawsuit, Lila Rossi for lying about celebrities and our dad," Grace finished.

"Wait, Sophia Meng, as in the Sophia Meng?!"

"Yes, you're correct."

"Could I get an interview?"

"In your dreams, tabloid girl," Sophia sneered at her.

"What?! I'm not tabloid! And your dumb penguin stole me and Lila's lunch money!"

"Well, ever heard of Penguin Jesus?" Grace snapped, "Our church worships Penguino, as in we believe that she is the reason Atlantis is now under the sea and the cause of the dinosaurs extinction."

"She has many sisters and brothers. And they all are part of the church," Sophia explained," Oh, why am I even bothering?! You're all too clueless to do acknowledge the history behind the Church of Holy Penguins!"

Sophia slapped them, held her sister's hand, and holding her small penguin's hand, successful with their mission.

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