Last Year Of Lies (Adrien Salt, Class Salt & Félix Sugar)

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I got this request from @xXcherryXx2918.

Félix had enough of Paris.

How naïve they were.

How they believed a snake.

He was going to stop it now.

For the sake of his girlfriend,  Marinette.

"Yeah, I'm the fiancé of Félix Graham de Vanily!" Lila said, fake smiling.

"You heard it here first, folks! Lila, the friend of Ladybug, is getting married to Félix Graham de Vanily!" Alya announced, smiling like a stupid ass bitch.

Félix cringed so freaking much.

He decided to visit the former city of love and make them pay the price of leaving his girlfriend.

Marinette wasn't aware of her fiancé's plan, and could hardly wait to get out of Françoise Dupont High School.

"Oh, would you look at that! It's Mari-trash! Lila, you're going to be so happy when Mari-trash leaves! Especially since Ladybug is your bestie!"

"Alya, calling Marinette that isn't nice! Even if she's really jealous of me." Lila said, wanting her daily attention from her.

"Gurl, she legit attacked you just because she was jealous! You have a heart of gold, alright."

Lila smirked.

She legit had the stupid girl wrapped around her finger. Nothing could stop her from getting Adrien.

Once the announcement of Félix's arrival to Paris was announced, Lila became nervous.

What if he came to reveal her lies?

Félix arrived to the high school, to be greeted by his cousin,  Adrien, who told him to take the high road there.

Marinette ran up to him and hugged him.

"Mari-trash! What are you doing hugging Lila's fiancé?!" Alya yelled.

Marinette stayed silent.

Alya walked up to Marinette, and slapped her.


"I-I have the right to stay silent, you know?"

"Stop yelling at my fiancé!" Félix yelled at Alya,  giving her a death glare. 

"No, Lila would never lie to me!"

Nino slung a hand around Félix's shoulders.

"Dude, there's no need to pretend anymore."

"I'm not pretending, Lahiffe," Félix said, saying his last name in poison.

"Whoa, dude. Chill!" Nino stammered," I didn't mean to get you so bent out of place, man! But seriously though dude, how could you forget your fiance?!"

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