Candle Queen (Lila Salt , AU, & A Songfic)

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Candle Queen is a wonderful song. To all the readers reading this, I highly recommend listening to Candle Queen. 

BTW, Hela returns!

Ever since she was a child, she always knew how to get her way. Just act a little bit wild, and someone will surely come to play.

Lila frowned as she saw her younger sister Hela get all the attention from their parents. 

It's a truth she took to heart, but humility and patience didn't come with age. She's born to play this part, a diva's always center stage.

Lila took a small plastic bat and tried to hit Hela.

Toddler's cries that grow louder and louder, relishing in untestable power.

Lila soon found herself locked in her room, and slapped. She started screaming until she found out that she generated fire by her emotions.

Glowing red in a black and white scene, the one and only Candle Queen!

For a second, Lila felt menacing for the first time, as she felt her eye glow with resonating power.

Stoking the flames higher and higher, royalty with a crown of fire.

Lila's reign of madness soon started after her parents kicked her out by burning the house down. But no matter. She earned a crown straight after.

Setting ablaze an extravagant scene, the one and only Candle Queen!

Lila set a small forest on fire, and pretended to be hurt as the Dupain-Cheng family soon found her.

Addicted to adrenaline, and always looking for attention.

Lila was now 14, and she lied for attention at school. Sheep fell for them, and praised her with attention. Lila also met Hela, her previous sister, as now Lila was a Dupain-Cheng. 

Thought to be so genuine, when suddenly she was met with apprehension.

Lila was soon surrounded by attention, everyone praising her for being genuine. Marinette pulled her adoptive sister aside and told her not to lie like a good person. 

The fighting has begun, and she'd do anything to get ahead.

Lila didn't take this well, and threatened her sister, telling her that she only told people what they wanted to hear. Painting her own sister as a bitch, she used Marinette's friends for simple things she didn't want to do.

Like using people as ladder rungs, and sweeping eggshells under the bed.

Lila was completely twisted as she swept dirty things under her bed, and used her fellow classmates to do her homework.

Toddler's cries that grow louder and louder, relishing in untestable power.

These cries were Lila as she painted her sister as a bully, her lies growing in power, and small flames becoming visable, ready for commands.

Glowing red in a black and white scene, the one and only Candle Queen!

The reaction from Marinette was priceless. Lila could imagine it herself in a black and white scene, and she was red with power. After all, she was the Candle Queen, as she liked to call herself, as she touched her crown.

Stoking the flames higher and higher, royalty with a crown of fire.

In Lila's room, she practiced her fire magic, and soon, she found out the flames were higher. But what she didn't notice is that the jewel she had in her crown now had a small crack.

Setting ablaze an extravagant scene, the one and only Candle Queen!

Lila burned the house down, and shoved a match in Marinette's hands. Their parents saw the flames, as their eyes traveled onto the match in Marinette's hands. They soon kicked out Marinette and their attention soon traveled to Lila. Lila glanced at her crown, thinking that she was an expert at being a queen, not noticing a larger crack in the jewel as another sin.

Ah, but there's hope for you still.

Marinette said to Lila.

Before it all comes unfurled.

Marinette reminded her again of the possibilities that no one would like her if she lied.

Ah, you just need to chill!

Lila screamed at her, her expression soon turning of one glaring at her.

It's not the end of the world.

She just can't help but be this way, she lost her true self long ago.

Lila would use that as an excuse for Marinette's sudden behavior. 

Now all her friends have been pushed away because a caricature is all they know.

Marinette was right, everyone soon found out her lies. With no home or friends, she just collasped.

Toddler's cries that louder and louder, everyone rushing to disavow her.

She had a mental breakdown as she realized the wrong of her doings and how irresponsible she was all those years. She could have done something different, but there was no turning back or redemption for her.

All alone in a black and white scene, the one and only Candle Queen!

She no longer glowed, she dulled. Alone with no friends made her want to dig her grave faster as she was reminded with constant guilt crawling on her back.

Hurt by the flames that burn higher and higher, clutching a broken crown of fire.

Her own powers turned on her as everytime she used them, she would feel burnt. Her crown finally broke by her own sins, and she lost her fire powers, which were the only things special about her.

All alone in the final scene, the one and only Candle Queen!

Lila had no one. Her powers disappeared,  she had no friends, and she had no home. But was even worse for her, she didn't get any attention and she wasn't the Candle Queen anymore.

What a pity, that Candle Queen!

Hela and Marinette exclaimed.

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