Worthless "Friend" Part 2

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I updated because I felt like I should write for 200 votes! I hope this will fulfill your expectations!

After the akuma attack, Marinette detransformed and prepared to go get materials for Alya's ridiculous dress.

"Maybe Alya wouldn't mind if they were fake diamonds," Marinette said, seeing a sale on 75% off on fake attachable diamonds that you could sew into dresses.

She called Alya.

"Hey Alya,  I have a question."

"What is it? Oh, and by the way, can you drop by and babysit Ella and Etta?"

"Not right now Alya, I'm working on your Sweetheart Dance dress. And I was wondering, is it ok if I use fake diamonds? I can't really afford multiple diamonds."

"NO! Why don't you use your boy-toy and get him to buy diamonds?! Be useful for once!"

Marinette had hung up. Marinette's eyes filled up with tears. She didn't want to use Adrien for Alya's dress! And even so, Adrien wasn't her boy-toy. She quickly purchased the fake diamonds to sew into Alya's stupid dress, and went home. She murmured the transformation words and tried to make it look like she wasn't crying in front of Chat Noir on patrol.

"Heya M'lady!" Chat Noir enthusiastically greeted her, but soon saw her frown. "What's wrong? Is everything ok?"

"Yeah," Ladybug smiled," I'm okay. Just a lot on my mind. It's really nothing major, kitty cat," she tried to assure him.

"Bugaboo," Chat Noir said seriously,"I know a fake smile when I see it. If you're stressed, then take a break!"

She sighed.

"I know! It's not easy trying to save your friendship with your friend who constantly demands dresses from you on a daily basis!" She yelled, agitated. 

Chat Noir was shocked at his lady having to work so hard in her civilian life just to satisfy her friend.

"Bugaboo, if you continue giving your friend what they want, they're never going to learn. They're just going to think that you'll do whatever for them. They're never going to stop until you put your foot down," Chat Noir advised.

"Good point kitty," Ladybug muttered.

Ladybug gave her partner a smile, walked towards him, and gave him a quick peck on the cheek.

"Thanks kitty!"

Chat Noir carefully touched his cheek, flustered as his Bugaboo bugged out.

"God, why do I love that girl?"

Marinette crashed into her chaise and started blushing like crazy at what she had given Chat Noir.

"Ooh~ Somebody's in love!~" Tikki teased a flustered Marinette. 

"Who? Me and Chat Noir?! Haha, we're just friends!"

Tikki's face scrunched up as she started hollering.

"DON'T SAY THAT!!!!" Tikki ran up to Marinette's huge cat pillow, grab/snatched it and continually smacked her owner's face while screeching words.

"STOP." One smack

"SAYING." Two smack

"HE'S." Three smack

"JUST." Four smack

"A." Five smack

"FRIEND!!!!!!!!!!" Six smack

"Ok! Ok! I get it!" Marinette yelled,"But could you stop smacking me with my pillow?!"

Tikki looked at the squished pillow in her small hands.

"Oh yeah. Whoops!"

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