You Should Have Thought This Through, You Know (Lila Salt & Adrien Salt)

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"I'm Jagged Stone's niece!" Lila announced to Alya.

Marinette hoped that Alya remembered that she was Jagged Stone's niece, but apparently she forgot.

"Wow! Really?!" Alya exclaimed.

"Of course for real! I never lie!"

"I also made Jagged Stone's Eiffel Tower sunglasses!" Lila bragged, not knowing that the lie would be the cause of her downfall.

"You didn't make those, Lila," Alya said, horrified by her lie.

"W-what?! You don't believe me?!" Lila exclaimed , 'hurt'.

"Marinette made them! Not you!"Alya yelled at her.

"Yeah! Alya's right!" Mylene shouted.

"I agree!" Rose said, glaring at Lila. 

Adrien turned to Marinette with a frown for everyone to see.

"Marinette!" Adrien exclaimed, a scowl crossing his model face," Lila's a sensitive girl! Let her live her fantasies! She's not hurting anyone!"

"Not hurting anyone?" Marinette asked him in disgust.

"Well, yeah," Adrien answered, positive with his answer.

"So I don't matter?" Marinette questioned, hurt.

"Well, you're our everyday Ladybug, and you can resist akumatizations a lot. So, I would say you don't matter."

Knowing Adrien would regret that, Marinette mumbled words that ruined his reputation, tenfold.

"Tikki, spots on," Marinette had muttered. Her transformation blinded Adrien as he continued blabbing about how Marinette should have taken the high road.

Evetyone gasped at the sight of the spotted heroine.

"Ladybug would've taken the high road," Adrien muttered to himself.

"Dude, look,"Nino had nudged his friend.

Instead of Marinette, there stood Ladybug.

Adrien spluttered, tried to apologize to Marinette, calling her Ladybug instead, and requesting that they could date.

Marinette had punched his face, standing over him angrily.

"You listen here, me and Ladybug are not different people. We are the exact same person. I don't care that you tried to apologize to me in order to get me to date you. I will never date a fucking spineless coward ever." Marinette had spat out," And you!" She pointed at the class. "I know you pretended to like me in order to get free foods, and other items. If you want to be friends, then no. I'm done with all of you," Marinette growled spitefully.

"Bug out."

"Wait, Ladybug!" Adrien cried, reaching out to her.

"You know Adrien," Marinette told him," You Really Should Have Thought This Through, You Know," she finsihed as she yo-yoed out of the classroom.

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