Fake Love 5

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Fake Love 5

Jimin shaking his head rapidly.
"I'm promise mom to stay with Dr Min family. She must've good reason to asked me to do it... I'm sorry Mr Park.. "
He fell uncomfortable to live with someone that he just met..even thou..he was the old man descendant.

Mr Park wiping away his tears..

"please do call me grandpa Jimin.. "
"and.. I'm not gonna force you..but I want you to know that you always have me.. "

"Dr Min.. Please take care of my Jimin. Tell me immediately if you have any trouble, will you.. "
He ponder over his grandson with sorrowful stare while the kid just keep his head down..bites his own lips.

"we gotta go Mr Park. It's already late.. Next time..we'll stop by.."
Dr Min gave an excuse.. and her eyes gave a signal to both of her son to move..

"thank you.. for except us with open arms and gave your warm welcome. Please do stay healthy.. "
Jimin utter a word without look at his grandfather...try to hide his sadness.
However..the old man pull him into a hug..and his act make Jimin wailing in his cuddle.

Yoongi trying to move towards Jimin..
His heart broke when he saw the small guy mourn down in the dumps.
Unfortunately.. his mom holding his hand..make him only able to see from afar..grief of his Jimin...


"are you definitely sure about it? "
"never mind.. Confirmed it once again.. I want it to be clear.. "
Yoongi put down his phone away and sigh.
His brain trying to digest the information hardly.

His boys notify that the man named Cha that involved in mysterious lost of Jimin's mom is someone who related to them.

How can he put such shocking news on Jimin.
Can the boy accept the fact..that Mr Cha..the  brat is..

"hyung! "
Tae yelling make him startled a bit.
"I'm gonna go to my friends birthday party.. Want to come? " Tae invited him to come along with widely smile.
He took a perfume bottle on the rack and spray a perfume to his whole body.
Then..without a permission..he took out a jacket from Yoongi wardrobe and search for his motorcycle key.

Yoongi sneeze a few times..and rub his tearing eyes.
He really allergy to perfume fragrance..

"take a bath and stop showering with perfumes.. "
He remarks his brother who already make a poker face.

"I'm late..the party will over if I took your advice.. "
He still rummage through Yoongi stuff.
Yoongi trying to be patient with the boy mannerism.

"who's party exactly? Your girl? "
He asked in annoying tone.

"nope.. He's my friend.. Actually..we're just became a friend. We took a English class together. He was a captain of football team in our school. You know him hyung.."
"his party would be at XXClub.. considering he was a bestie with the club owner.. "
Yoongi smirking..
Bestie huh..

"this is the first time that I'm be invited by someone who's popular among the students.. I'm nervous but at the same time.. I'm super excited.. "

Yoongi nod without replying and toss a bunch of key to him. 
"drive safely.."
He reminds Tae..
On other hand..he unwilling to broke Tae heart.

Yoongi also get invited to the party..and without Tae knowing..the party were held on YClub..few blocks away..
The owner of the YClub.. His best friend.. Namjoon had confirmed it.
Poor Tae..

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