Fake Love 4

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Fake Love 4

The boy so quiet..no crying or howl over his mom disappearance.
He hold on to his mother belongings tightly and waiting patiently for the diver who searching for his mother body inside the river.
He's praying without stop..hoping that miracle would happen...

Tae staying besides his bestie for the whole night..crying and hugs Jimin.
"don't cry Chimchim.. I'll always here.. " Tae utter his words with sobbing tones.
Yoongi too.. never left Jimin side..even though he keep busy with his phone..asked some of his friend..to track down Suzy's.
"Don't worry.."
Yoongi try to calm Jimin while his finger caress the younger hair gently.
I'll do whatever it takes. You'll never cry again.. I promise..

On other hand.. Mr Min do all he can to encourage the police on finding Suzy. He also hired some private investigator..to investigate the man who related to the incident.

The diver team fail to found anything..

Jimin legs numb and weak. He can't even walk by himself.
The unpleasant event happen unexpected.
One day he laugh with his mom and on other day he lost her forever..

Yoongi pull him closer and carried the small guy all the way to the car.
He noticed that the younger tears dripping down through his pale face without stop.
"From now on.. I'll take care of you.. Cry your heart out because you'll never cry again...I promise.. " Yoongi whispers on his ears.

That night.. Min's family took Jimin home with an open heart.
They declare the boy as their new family members and accept him with lots of love.

After a week..there are still no clue of the incident.
The family decided to build an obelisk on the graveyard..as remembrance..
On other hand... Jimin insistent that his mom still alive. Until he didn't see her dead body..he will remain on his decree.

Few weeks later..after console with her husband..Dr Min asked Jimin to follow her..
She said that she would took him to a place..where he would meet someone who's important to his life.
Jimin wondering..who could he be?

Dr Min didn't realize that naughty Tae and Yoongi sneak inside the car..
"what if mom find out? "
Scare Tae try to remind his brother.
"It's up to you. Follow or stay.. "
Yoongi didn't care at all. He just curious about his mom act lately.
"you full of adventures..do crazy stuff.. I'm interested. But if we get caught..blaming will be on you.. "
Tae give him a devilish smile while the older just sigh deeply.

Yoongi crawl quietly and get to the backseat of the car.
Tae following Yoongi and squat next to him.
"lower your body silly.. Mom might catch sight of us."
Yoongi warn him in whisper.
Luckily.. Dr Min busy talking on her phone and didn't notice their presence.

"didn't both of you tired? Squad all the way.. "
Dr Min remarks to both siblings.
Jimin who sat next to Dr Min shocked and looking back at the backseat.
He sad face turns to relieve...when he saw both guys.

The boys rose their feet and get up from squatting.
They sit properly and wearing their seatbelt with guilty face.
"how did you know mom? We act like ninja but you able to notice us.. "
Tae asked desperately.
"I'm sorry making you dissapointed my ninja.  But I'm a mother.. Of course I know.. "

"did you want to say anything Yoongi? "
She asked in hard tones when she saw Yoongi ignoring her and focus only on Jimin.
Yoongi who staring at Jimin startled a bit..
"it's my idea mom. Nothing to do with Tae. I force him to follow me. I responsible to all the trouble..."
Yoongi utter in calm tones.
"it's not true. I'm also guilt in this matter mom. I followed him without thinking about the consequences.. "
Tae smile widely to Yoongi..told him that he had grown up and can take the blame together.

"we will talk about it later because we had arrived. And boys.. Please..mind your manners.. "

She enter a huge mansion..park her car and be greet by an old man after she walk out from the car.

"Jimin.. "
She wave to Jimin..ask him to get out from the car.
Jimin still frozen on his spot..hang back..like been glued to the seat. 
"let's go out together.. "
Yoongi persuade both boys who looks hesitate.

"Mr Park.. that's Jimin.. "
She pointed to a boy with yellow shirt who came from front seat.
"and those boys are my sons.. "
she pointed again to Tae and Yoongi.

The old man rush towards Jimin and pull him for a hug.
His face covered with tears..and he didn't stop mumbles words that didn't clear because of his sobbing.
Jimin astounded with his actions and didn't know what to do to calm the old man.
He looking to Dr Min and both boys..asking for help..yet..they also in deep freeze.

A few seconds later..the old man pull out his hug and turns to both boys who look at him with full of questions.
"hello boys. Welcome to my mansion. Forgive for my unexpected behavior.. "
"come.. Let's go inside.. "
He invited them while his hand still over Jimin shoulder.

"let's go Chimchim.. Grandpa had many things to told you.. "
He look straight to Jimin's eyes with full of love.

"Grandpa Claus? I know that I seeing you before! You always brought me lots of toys when I'm staying at the shelter home.. Is that you grandpa? "
Jimin asked with tearing eyes.
The old nodded with sad face.

"your mother prevent me from seeing you after she got out from the shelter. She want to be independent and standing on her own feet... It almost eight years.. If I not mistake.. "
"I've never abandon you and your mom Jimin. Even though I can't meet you like before.. I always came by..looks you from afar when I'm miss you.. "
He paused and take a deep breath.
"I know about the incident..and I have to admit.. She came here.. few days before she gone missing.. "

Jimin surprised to hear it.

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