Chapter 21- Surprise Surprise

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Shouta stares back at himself through the recently cleaned mirror in their bathroom as he adjusts his tie. This was it. Their date night.

The little black box in his blazer pocket practically burned holes through the thick material as his mind ran over all the way he could fuck this up. Was it too soon? Does Hizashi still love him the same way he used to? Will he even say yes?

What if he doesn't want to marry me?

His mind flashes back to a couple weeks ago, when they passed a jewelry store on their way back from the grocery run. Izuku walked in front of them, picking up rocks on the ground to show his dads and Hizashi's eyes caught on the rings in the window.

He watched his husband's eyes light up, the way they sparkled in the afternoon sun, the way he came alive with want and need. And the following Tuesday he found himself back in that same store, searching for the perfect re-engagement ring.

This would symbolize something new. Refalling in love- despite the hardships. Staying in love, going down the hard road. Making a difference.

It's their new chapter.

And he wants to spend it with Hizashi; if he'll have him.

"Shou!! Are you ready yetttt? Nemuri and Toshi are here!"

Shouta exhales a deep breath, adjusting his finished tie once more before sighing. Maybe, he could delay for another week. Maybe they could stay home with Zu, have another family night, live in their happy fantasy for a little longer?

What if everything changes after tonight? What if nothings the same? What if everything goes wrong? They're safe, loved, happy (?) in their little bubble. Why risk everything?

Another knock on the door, and "Shou! We're gonna be late!"

He opens the door and Hizashi turns around from the closet to face him, dress shoes in hand and smiling.

That smile.

That smile is worth risking everything.

"Finally ready?"

Hizashi is practically vibrating with excitement as he slips the shoes on his feet. Shouta notices that they're almost matching with white collared shirts and black slacks. The only small difference is Hizashi's suspenders to Shouta's blazer, but it works.

They work.

"What's wrong, Shou?"

"Just.. nervous." Shouta felt the box like boulders in his pocket but he swallowed down his fear and stuck his hand out. "Let's get going."


"Are you sure this was a good idea? Izuku doesn't seem ready.."

Okay, Shouta knows it's pathetic. He's hiding behind a 2 year old for god-sakes but he just can't help it. He's so terrified of the outcome, even more nervous than last time, and he can't help but admit that Izuku is a pretty good-excuse.

I mean, really. What's one more week? More time to prepare. More time to plan. More time to get it right. To have it be perfect.

Hizashi deadpans and calls out to Izuku who more-or-less ignores their presence. Shouta narrowed his eyes. Oh, come on, Izuku. Who's side are you on?

"He's fiiiine, Sho."


Before Shouta could speak another word of protest, Hizashi is grabbing his hand and dragging him to the car. "C'mon! We have reservations!"

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