Chapter 6- Learning Curves

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Living with a toddler is both extremely fun, and extremely exhausting. Hizashi and Shouta adore every moment that is spent with little Izuku, but they soon realize that reading the books is nothing compared to the real thing.

The first night was the scariest.

Hizashi tucked Izuku in, and Shouta warmed up a bottle of oat milk for him (Izuku is lactose intolerant) and was happily falling asleep as they read two bedtime stories.

It was all peaceful and calm as Shouta grabbed the empty bottle and tiptoed out the room. They collapsed in bed two minutes later, only to be jolted awake an hour later by loud cries. Shouta and Hizashi practically trip over their own feet to get to Izuku's side and see what's wrong.

But Izuku is standing in his bed, screaming and bouncing on his heels the way toddlers do, and they're rushing to his side, trying to whisper soothing words to no avail. They don't understand that Izuku wants the lady at the orphanage's soothing cherry scent. They don't understand that Izuku is scared and nervous because he's never spent a night away from the orphanage, from his friends.

Hizashi and Shouta are nice, but they are not Izuku's family. They haven't been there through the nightmares, they don't know his favorite meals and they don't know how to comfort him when he's upset. Izuku feels himself craving for his family, not these strangers.

But there's no way for them to know that, no way for them to truly understand, so the night is spent with Hazashi and Shouta trying their best to break down the barrier Izuku builds between himself and the love he so desperately craves.

"Did we do something wrong?" Hizashi asked as he sat on the couch, a cup of coffee warming his hands.

He had the social worker on video call as Shouta got some sleep on his lap. Hazashi sometimes wished that he could talk to Shouta; to be completely transparent with him about his own fears and insecurities, but he knows how hard Shouta works and how prone he is to shouldering so much pain on his own and Hizashi just feels guilty adding to that.

He runs his fingers absentmindedly through his husband's hair and hopes he is sleeping soundly.

"No, you definitely didn't do anything wrong. The first night is always the hardest. Keep in mind that this is a big adjustment for everyone. Izuku may be more withdrawn for the first few nights and that's okay. Let him adjust slowly. Set routines. Keep it consistent."

Hizashi nods, and takes a sip of coffee. Keep it consistent. Set routines. What kind of routines? What about when they start teaching? Do they bring him to daycare? Do they bring him to school? Would he be safer around a bunch of Pro Heroes? What if something goes wrong with a students quirk?

"Yamada, listen, I told you and your husband that this was going to be hard, but it's also going to be so rewarding. It's going to be amazing to watch him grow and experience new things and become a part of your family. Keep that in mind, especially during the hard parts. You guys are doing great."

Hizashi feels a tear well up in his eye and he can only nod before the social worker clicks off. He wipes his eyes, trying desperately not to cry in fear of waking up Shouta or Izuku, but this is so hard. It's so much harder than he anticipated already, but it's also extremely validating to hear that they're doing well.

They're not failing.

When Hizashi wakes up the next morning, he's tucked into bed (even though last time he checked he was on the couch) and Izuku is sitting next to him, holding his All Might plushie in his arms.

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