Chapter 12- Home Visits

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"You cleaned the kitchen?"

"Yeah, did you get Izuku's bedroom?"


Izuku tugged at Shouta's pants leg with a chubby hand and held up his Eraserhead figure that was drenched from head to toe in ketchup. Shouta made a face at the now obvious ketchup stain on his white pants. Today of all days.


"It's okay, it's okay," Hizashi picked up Izuku and sat him on his chest while taking the messy toy and throwing it in the sink. "I'll clean him up, you go change."

Shouta nodded, cursing slightly as he didn't know whether he had anything nicer in his closet to wear that wasn't a formal suit. This was an important meeting, yes, but a formal suit would just be... so very over the top.

Meanwhile, Hizashi set Izuku down on the counter and wiped his hands and face clean of glops of fresh and dried ketchup.

"You are the messiest eater I've ever met," Hizashi laughed and Izuku giggled, reaching for his toy. "Ah, ah. Not until that's been cleaned off."

Izuku pouted, but seemed to understand enough to leave the toy alone for now. He yawned as Hizashi finished the rest of the cleaning, eyes fluttering closed every so often as he struggled to sit up.

"Tired? It is almost time for your nap," Izuku fell over into Hizashi's arms, who took that as a tired 'yes.' Hizashi laughed as he hoisted Izuku into his arms and brought him upstairs, changing him into a clean set of dino pajamas as Izuku fought sleep in Hizashi's arms.

Shouta came in as Hizashi was putting him to sleep and leaned down to kiss his forehead, whispering a gentle "sleep tight," as he tucked the blanket under him tighter.

"Do you think she'll come today?"

"I hope so, Sho. I'm running out of clean clothes,"

Shouta laughed, holding his husband's hand tight in his as they prepared to spend the afternoon waiting for their surprise visit from the social worker.


Hizashi yawned as he woke up on the couch, covered in one of their blankets, with the dark of night creeping inside their apartment. He stood up, stretching slightly and wrapping the heavy fabric tighter around him as he made his way to the slightly ajar back door.

His husband was standing in the doorway.


"Hey," Shouta greeted, flashing a small smile as he turned around and handed Hizashi his mug. He took a sip, making a face of disgust and handing it back to his husband. "This tastes gross."

"It's tea,"

"Without milk and sugar."

Shouta looked down at his cup. "Okay, so maybe it's a little bitter,"

"Correction: Maybe a little gross. Call it what it is."

Shouta laughed and leaned back into his husband's arms. "Whatever you say, Zashi." 

A beat of silence passed before,

"Did the social worker show up?"

Shouta tenses slightly and Hizashi makes a move to run his warm hands up and down Shouta's arms.


He knows Shouta has been on edge, they both have really, but Hizashi is a lot better at hiding it. They both want this meeting to go well, and to make the best impression possible but having no idea when she'll show up puts a lot of stress on their shoulders. How can they make the best effect on her when her visit is a complete mystery. They can only hope they'll be prepared enough. 

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