Chapter 13- Cherry Lady

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Shouta shifted his weight slightly as his heart pounded like a hammer against his ribcage. Why was he so nervous? It was just a visit, just a check-in to see how Izuku is adjusting- but what did it mean if things went south? What would it mean for their family, if she thought Izuku isn't adjusting properly?

The woman with a cherry-shaped pin in her hair moved the clipboard in her hand. "May I come in?"

Shouta wishes he could've said cohesive words, but all he had the capability to do at the moment was move silently to the side to let her through. Hizashi came stumbling down the stairs in his yellow boxers with Izuku in his arms, wailing loudly.

"Who was at the door? Izuku won't stop crying," Hizashi yawned, eyes half-open. Shouta puffs out his cheeks as he avoids eye contact. He didn't even know how to respond other than putting him head down in shame. Wonderful way to start the day.

"Um, Mr. Yamada, I'd appreciate it if you'd put some pants on please." The social worker says, her face hidden behind the clipboard. Shouta heard an "oh shit!" before hearing heavy stomps moving further up the stairs.

"...Would you like some coffee..?"

The social worker nodded with a tight smile. "Please."


When Hizashi returns, Izuku is holding his stuffed bear in his mouth as he leans his head on Hizashi's shoulder. He waves "hello," as best as he can with a baby in his arms, and proceeds to start making Izuku's milk.

Shouta continues to talk with the social worker- Cherrie.

"What kind of routines do you have in place for him?"

Shouta sipped his coffee. "When Izuku first wakes up we do morning cuddles, usually, then he has his milk, and then we get ready for school, Izuku comes with us, has his nap around 12 pm every day and then we come home. We play and do other things until bedtime where we do dinner, bathtime, then milk and storytime."

Hizashi hands Izuku his bottle and puts him down on the ground to let him run around and comes up behind Shouta. His husband looks up at him. "Did I miss anything?"

"Uhm, I don't think so.." Hizashi grabs the mug out of his husband's hand and takes a sip. "Good coffee."

Cheerie smiles. "It seems like you both are doing well. Your previous social worker, Raven, updated me on the case, I'm just here to assess how Izuku is adjusting and make sure that the house is up to code. It says here that the last house check was when you first took the class which was about 9 or so months ago."

While Cherrie fills them in on the plan for today, Izuku waddles up to her, bottle in hand, and tugs on her pants leg.

Cherrie peers down at him with a wide smile on her face. It feels like too long since she's seen the toddler, being busy with work and applications and all. She was first assigned Izuku's case after being the one to pull him out of his abusive home, and has been a constant presence by his side for almost as long as the boy has been alive.

"Hello, Izuku! How are you doing?" Izuku giggles, milk dribbling down his chin, lifting his arms to have the Cherry Lady pick him up. He missed her so much. He wonders why she left him for so long.

Cherrie happily accepts the small child into her arms, letting him rest his head on her shoulder as he hands her his bottle.


Cherrie takes it and pretends to sip some. "Mm, yummy. Thank you for sharing! Would you like some?"

Izuku smiles and takes it back, sticking the nipple into his mouth before leaning back on her shoulder and closing his eyes. Hizashi and Shouta watched with confused faces, and their heartbeat picked up just slightly.

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