Chapter 49: The Devil In Disguise

Start from the beginning

"Hello Boss. She greeted, on which I only settled on nodding, her eyes soon falling back onto the screen in front of her which was filled with codes, diagrams and numbers.

I raised an eyebrow, soon switching my eyes onto the girl on the bed before us, her chest rising and falling slowly.

I clicked my tongue, bringing my attention back to the woman. "So, how is the simulation going? I take it, everything's running smoothly?" I asked curiously, to start up a conversation. After all, I wanted to know more about how Hinata was doing as she ventured through the ultimate mind test. A test that we specifically created for her.

But it isn't any ordinary mind test..


It is one that will challenge her beliefs, her feelings and her overall judgment with confrontation and evil. The stimulation she is in will resemble gravely like a dream. Which means..

Everything looks and feels real to her...

But in reality.

Nothing is real...

But her mind will be stuck there until she eventually passes away, so the dream is where she will remain. I lowered my head, gritting my teeth..

Hopefully she does what she's supposed to before then...

"Well Boss. I can't particularly see what's going on but I can see Hinata Hyuga's fear level as well as her heart rate. And both are sky high. It's working. The codes we put in to make Naruto must have activated. He's torturing her now."

The blonde huntress before me suddenly spoke, giving me an answer which was deeply troubling, snapping me out of my thoughts. I blinked rapidly, my head switching to look down at the blonde woman beside me.

I tilted my head by her words, a little confused by them. "Why so quickly? It's only been twelve minutes and you're telling me the poor child is already being put to the test?" I asked in deep concern, my eyes shooting over to the girl mentioned and indeed picking up the low whimpers that passed her lips, her body squirming slightly in agony underneath the blankets.

And on cue, two of my hunters moved to her side to help. One moved to position her so one bulky but soft pillow was rested behind her neck, to prop and comfort her head.

While another hunter moved to press the sides of the blanket down which rested beside her, tucking her in which would make her body more comfortable. But her mind...

Not so much..

I let out a deep sigh at the sight of my team's efforts but turned back to the woman I was first conversing with, a sigh passing her own lips.

She turned to me, giving the computer in front of her a rest. "Well, Boss. Time in the dream world works differently than how we, are most custommed to. Twelve minutes may have passed in the real world but in the dream world.. It works faster which means, a hour could've passed instead. That's why, things are moving so quickly. And besides, the girl has most likely angered Naruto, turning him into the monster he was assigned to be. The codes show me so." She informed, even moving one finger to point at the screen, revealing a rapid set of numbers which dashed quickly across the monitor. I nodded slowly by her words, keeping them in mind.

Well fine...

Whatever works then..

If the demon model of Naruto we made can make Hinata hate him faster than that's a win for me.

Hinata can then be saved...

She can be forgiven..

And that, is the only thing I want for her.

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