Chapter 6: The Awakening II

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It was quiet. Silent as the night. The only sound made was the quiet breathing of (Y/N), sleeping on the ground floor.

Where he was? He had no idea. All he remembered was the army of grimm in front of him, then suddenly hearing voices in his head.

And one of those voices were louder than the others.

Lucas: "Hey! Wake up! Heyyy! Wake uppp! HEY! WAKE UP!"

While (Y/N) was sleeping, a man was both screaming and slapping him awake. This was going on for a while, to the point where neither him or (Y/N) knew how long it had been.

But thankfully, it came to an end once (Y/N) shot out of his rest.

(Y/N): "Alright! I'm up! Fucking, stop it already..."

Waking up from his slumber, he met eye to eye with two bright green irises. Attached to these eyes was a boy, barely over eighteen, with straight black hair and a grin on his face. He wore an over-sized t-shirt and jeans while crouching down to (Y/N)'s eye level.

But before (Y/N) could say anything, the man spoke up.

Lucas: "Hi! Name's Lucas. Nice to meet ya!"

(Y/N) stared at Lucas, confused by the sudden appearance. Too many questions filled his mind. Who is he? What did he do? How did he get here? Where is he?

Confusion filling his mind, (Y/N)'s eyes darted around for an answer. That's when he realized where he was. Somewhere a bit... strange, to say the least.

He was in an absolute mess of a bedroom. It looked like someone took buckets of paint and threw it everywhere. A barrage of colors were on the floor, the ceiling, the furniture, the walls; everything. But that wasn't the strangest part.

In the corner of the room, there was a miniature lab, filled with blueprints and chemical devices. Strange equipment scattered around with flasks containing... some sort of liquid. Some bubbled, some were still, and some reacted... strangely. It was simultaneously the most dangerous and safest part of the room.

(Y/N): "Where am I...?"

Lucas: "Oh right! Welcome to my room! Warning, don't touch the stains. They'll burn your skin off."

(Y/N): "W-wait, what!?"

Lucas: "Don't worry about it. Now come on! You have to meet the rest!"

Lifting himself off the floor, Lucas headed straight out of his room, walking through the multicolored path. This lead to (Y/N) quickly standing up, and following after him.

But that was denied the second the floor burned his feet.


Lucas: "I told you, don't touch the stains."

(Y/N): "BUT You did..."

Fuming with anger, (Y/N) pointed at Lucas' feet. He tried following his exact path, so why was his feet burning but Lucas' weren't. It made absolutely no sense.

Until he actually got a good look at Lucas' feet.

The skin of his feet was not as... solid as before. It was like jello, swaying left and right as he moved, but never leaving his foot. And by listening, just a bit closer, you could hear the sound of his feet sizzling.

And he wasn't fazed in the slightest.

(Y/N): "H-ho- w-wha- b-bu-"

While (Y/N) stuttered in confusion, Lucas responded back in a chipper mood.

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