Chapter 15: Epilogue + (A/N)

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Ozpin was silent.

He didn't know what to think.

After getting Glynda to take Eva to (Y/N)'s dorm, who by the way was as shocked as he was by her appearance, (Y/N) decided to explain everything to Ozpin.

Or well, nearly everything.

There were things he failed to include, like how he defeated the horde of grimm from the initiation exam or where he found those chess pieces in the forest.

But other than things like that? He provided in full detail.

He learned of Anvil's dark secret, something even he was shocked to hear. He learned of the pain (Y/N) went through in that forest. He learned how he destroyed the facility that kept Eva, who was being experimented on.

But when he told (Y/N) his plan, he never expected the response.

Ozpin: "I'll find a way to get the news out there. Get huntsman to take down Anvil all over th-"

(Y/N): "NO!"

When (Y/N) said that, he stopped immediately in his tracks.

So many questions were made at that moment.

Why wouldn't (Y/N) want that? Why would he protect Anvil, after all they've done? What sympathy would he give to anyone that worked within the company?

And so he waited. He wanted to see (Y/N)'s point.

(Y/N): "Well... I don't know if we need to do all of that. Anvil's famous for how it innovated weaponry in the modern day. They're the reason we can use dust so efficiently in our guns and swords. They're how we defend against grimm."

Ozpin: "The path to hell is paved with good intentions. You must know that."

(Y/N): "But even still! Even if those people did all of those things... I want to believe they just needed someone to help them. Someone to guide them to do the right thing. Sure, they deserve some punishment, but at the end of the day, it was only one, maybe two branches. The entire company shouldn't be punished for a piece's sins..."

And that's how he got to this point.

Alone in his office, under deep thought.

And with (Y/N) gone to go back to his dorm, Ozpin spoke one thing out loud.

Ozpin: "God, he's too kind for his own good."


Blake: "Are you sure about this?"

Ruby: "Of course! Sun told us that (Y/N) wanted us at his dorm, and I already told Yang and Weiss to meet me there!"

Blake: "So you didn't tell them about me?"

Ruby: "Oh! I wanted it to be a surprise! Except with Weiss, that might not have been such a good idea..."

Ruby looked down, embarrassed at her decision.

After they talked at the pier, Sun told them how (Y/N) wanted to meet at his dorm. They didn't have any idea why he would ask such a thing, but they followed along anyway.

I mean, they didn't have much else to do. Penny left without them even realizing it, and Ruby already found Blake.

Ruby: "*sigh* I don't know if we should go to (Y/N)'s dorm now. Maybe we should wa-"

Before Ruby could even continue her sentence, Blake stopped her in her tracks.

Because right in front of them stood Yang and Weiss, waiting in front of (Y/N)'s door.

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