Chapter 5: The Awakening

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The scream rang throughout the forest, echoing all around of (Y/N)'s appearance. Grimm awakened, animals scurried, and people were confused. No one had any idea on what that scream was.

Except for a few people. Like Ruby, who was traveling with Weiss in the initiation.

Ruby: "Hmm? Was that (Y/N) just now?"

Weiss: "Who cares! We need to get to the forest temple! Now hurry!"

Ruby: "Alright! Jeez. Why did I have to get stuck with her."

Looking down, depressed, Ruby followed after the angered Weiss within the forest. But before she caught up with her, she stared backwards.

Ruby: "I hope you're okay (Y/N)."

Weiss: "Hurry up! We don't have all day you know!"

Ruby: "Sorry! Coming!"


On the opposite side of the spectrum, there were two people further away from the scream. From where they were, it was barely audible through all of the trees.

Thankfully, one of them had cat ears.

Blake: "Did you hear someone just scream?"

Yang: "Nope. You heard someone scream?"

Blake: "Nevermind..."

Yang looked back at Blake, confused, before shrugging it off and continuing forward.

Blake, on the other hand, glanced for a quick moment before following Yang.

Blake: "I hope that wasn't anything bad..."


Once he finally stopped screaming, (Y/N) took in what just happened. He should've expected Ozpin to do something like that. He may not have known him for that long, but he saw the joy on his face when he walked over to that platform. That was a big giveaway.

Too late now though.

Looking down from the sky, (Y/N) saw the Emerald Forest from above. It was the first time he ever saw the forest. He loved how the vibrant green shined from the trees, creating a small sparkle that flickered the closer he got.

It was beautiful.

And obviously deadly.

(Y/N): "Okay. Stay calm. I need to slow myself down. But how?"

(Y/N) surveyed the land, trying to find anything to slow his fall. He thought of everything, from striking the ground with his swords to landing on the branches of a large tree. But every idea seemed to fail within his mind.

Getting desperate, he patted himself down, trying to find anything to stop his fall. However, the only things he could find were the swords on his hips, the bow on his back, and the dozens of different dust vials in his cloak. He didn't have anything to stop himself.

But, in a strike of innovation, he realized something. 

He did have something to slow his fall. 

Hopefully, at least.

(Y/N) pulled out the mechanical bow from his back and a purple dust vial within his cloak. He placed the vial into a small slot within the bow, filling its ammo. He flipped through the small screen on the bow until eventually landing on the right mode.

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