(A/N) Quick Poll

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So I'm currently caught with a lot of school work at the moment while writing the next book, and it got me wondering.

Who is your favorite member of team SLLL?

I put all of the backstories under the characters, leaving some secrecy that will be revealed later down the line. I really do wish to see your opinions of them because they all hold a special place within my heart.

Quick note! All of the art are towards their respective owners. I did not make any of these art pieces, however, I did commission the Shen drawing.

Now, let's get to the polls!

Now, let's get to the polls!

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Shen Kuri

Shen was born from the union of an angel and devil. After conceiving the boy, the parents ran to the material world for safety from their own kind. The mother, an angel, died from child birth, while the father, a devil, protected his son against a few devils, giving him time to run. After being alone for weeks, he was found by an old hero named Tyrior Kuri. Tyrior had both expertise in magic and swordsmanship, teaching the young boy he adopted. After years of training, Shen decided to adventure on his own, joining with a less than ideal party to accomplish his goals.

Race: Serafiend (Angel-Devil hybrid)

Abilities: Magic

Weapon of choice: Dual-wielding swords

Weapon of choice: Dual-wielding swords

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Lucas Ivy

Lucas never knew his father was God when he was younger, and he never bothered to care. He had his wonderful mother at his side, and easily made friends with many others around him. After joining an adventuring school for fun, thinking he might fight others and get a degree in the process, he learned over the course of his journey that his father was the creator himself. He never seemed bother by anything though, always wearing a smile on his face.

Race: Demi-God

Abilities: Pain storage

Weapon of choice: Fists

Weapon of choice: Fists

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Loki Hadus

Loki Hadus was born in a world of superheroes. Powers were becoming widespread throughout the world, with magicians and interplanar beings converging within Earth. He, however, cared more for comic book heroes, aspiring himself to be like them. This only grew after the accidental death of his parents and younger sister by the mistake of a hero, as well as a horrible encounter with a hero in his youth that scarred him for life. With the newfound determination within him, Loki used all of his knowledge to research all things technology and power based, being the only person to create superpowers. Now with the ability to control blood and change its temperature, he became the hero known as Sanguine Knight, leader of a new team of heroes to show the world what a hero should truly look like.

Race: Human

Abilities: Blood manipulation. Can set temperature to absolute zero or even put it ablaze

Weapon of choice: Swords and Spears

Weapon of choice: Swords and Spears

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Liam (No last name)

Not much is known about Liam. When he was born, he had the ability to make people forget about him. He always considered it a curse, but more so after a certain incident occurred. Now, he's all alone, discarding his own family name, leaving him nothing more than a living ghost.

Race: Human?

Abilities: Imperceptibility

Weapon of choice: Pistol and Knife

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