Chapter 3 - Meeting them

Start from the beginning

As I sang the chorus I noticed there's someone singing with me. It's a mans voice, a very deep and raspy one.

I checked my phone if my ringtone is ringing but it appears to be on silent. Maybe Im just having my fantasies again. Silly me.

A couple of seconds after I stopped playing, it was quiet. Like really quiet. Too quiet. Until I heard something.

"Busted." someone suddenly said. It somehow sounded familiar.

"Who are you?" I asked moving closer positioning myself into defense mode.

That guy slowly stood up infront of me.

My jaw literally dropped. One Direction is literally here in front of me.

I gotta keep my cool. Yeah, breath in breath out. I think I'm dreaming! Someone pinch me!

Then suddenly someone did pinch me and a painful one at that.

"OW!" I expressed as I rubbed on the spot where my skin was pinched.

"Sorry. You want me to pinch you." Louis said, Louis Tomlinson. Well now I'm okay with it.

"Yeah, I know now that I am definitely not dreaming." I said still wide eyed while they were they standing in their full glory.

How did 1D even end up here? I am so lucky.

"Are you okay? Miss?" Niall asked.

"Yeah. Just zoned out." I said chuckling.

"I'm Trisha by the way." I smiled nervously, trying to keep my cool when the truth is, I'm actually jumping up and down.

I'm lucky that I'm an expert in hiding emotions. But I got to admit, this one is intense.

"Hi." They said in unison. It creeped me out.

"Don't start with the introduction. I know all of you." I said smirking.

"I'm Li...what!" Liam said shocked. Puh-lease! The whole world knows you, I thought.

"Why aren't you fangirling then?" Niall said joining in the conversation.

Does he actually want me fangirling? Haha!

"Because I'm not that kind of person. And do you really want me fangirling, Niall?" I smirked, hands on my hips.I feel more comfortable than before.

He laughed. He.laughed. Adorable.

"So, anyways we're sorry we interrupted you." Liam said, apologizing.

"No need to apologize." I said. I was surprisingly getting pretty comfortable talking to them. I was thinking that I'll either be speechless (plus awkward) or a crazy fangirl. We're actually talking like normal human beings. This is a surprise.

They all smiled at me but Harry got my attention.

The fvck Harry. Don't show the killer smile.

After a few seconds of awkward silence, Harry spoke.

"You have a beautiful voice..."Harry said.

"Thanks." I said shyly, my cheeks burning.

"Wait, why are you guys here? And why are you hiding in there earlier?" I said pointing to where they were hiding.

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