Chapter 28- Mr. X

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Trisha's PoV

It was my long lost Uncle Xian
Yes, he just disappeared without anyone knowing where he went.

When I was just young, I got to admit he was my favorite. He always treated my like his own, but there was always something off and weird about him. Dad always warned me about him but he never told me why and I guess, I got my answers right here....

"What do you want from me, that you put Cass' and her parents involved in this?"

"I want you. You ruined my plans." He said through gritted teeth.

"What plan?" I feel like I'm doing an interview here! Where's the action?!

"The plan to kidnap those boys." It took me awhile to completely process that.

"I got to admit you're pretty good at this for a first timer. Well, ofcourse you were just like your father when he was at your age." He added rolling his eyes.

He comes closer...

Remember Trisha, it doesn't matter if he is your uncle, he's the bad guy, nothing more...

"If you're not going to tell me, then I'll just have to get it out of you" I get ready with my fighting position and he just smirks.

~~~~~~~(A/N sorry I have to fast forward a bit, I'm not honestly good at describing fights. Hehe)

Bad Guy's PoV (let's just call him Mr. X :)

I offered her to join me but she just answered with a punch landing on my face...

My response, violence and ofcourse, revenge... that's why she's fighting off my men right now, while I have something else important to do.... *smirks*

I was about to make a command to one of my people when I heard shouting.

"You coward! You said you wanna finish this one on one. And now, you're avoiding all of this. You're such a coward!" She repeated again while kicking one in particular. Argh! This kid is irritating me! I really want to kick her as* right now but like I said earlier, I have something else important to do.

Atleast she's gonna get what she came for.... but she won't like it when she finds out what I did....*smirks* (A/N would you stop smirking! It's creeping me out!)

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