The Time He Unofficially Got Married

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"Doesn't explain why she's still got the bride title not the wife, does it?" Inuyasha frustratedly groaned as they made their way out of the human village. Myōga sat calmly on the left shoulder and replied, "I'm getting to that, Lord Inuyasha. I was just finishing off the other-"

"-Then how many days after did Lord Heihachirō die?"

"There you go jumping questions again, Lord Inuyasha."

"Maybe if you stopped pausing for long periods of time, I wouldn't be noticing all the holes in the stories."

"There aren't any holes! I can explain all of them if you let me continue without interrupting me every time I explain one portion of the story."

Inuyasha groaned once more. "Then how many days after did Lord Heihachirō die?" He repeated his previous question with a determined glare towards the flea.

"I'm not telling you, that's jumping the whole story. I'm following a timeline, you know." Myōga was also a very determined microscopic insect that wanted to span the story properly than jumping between every time and not making any sense.

"Where were we up to?"

"Um..." His voice trailed. "Oh, yes, two days after Lord Sesshōmaru became the Western Lord, he and Mio got married," He casually explained.

"What the heck?! That doesn't-"

"-It will! Let me finish!"



"I have missed you," Mio cooed as she nuzzled her face into the nape of her partner's neck, her arms wrapped around his body as they lay in bed together. A night spent fulfilling each other's needs after two days apart.

"It appears so," Sesshōmaru said calmly. He forced himself not to show signs of a smug grin or a celebratory smirk. His arm wrapped around his woman, their naked bodies pressed against one another.

"You did not miss me?"

"Believe what you want."

"May I ask why you never show me the true feelings you have for me?"

"Why must I show such emotions?"

Mio pushed herself up and pressed the blanket closer to her body, covering herself as she stroked her hair away from her face and behind her ear. "I suppose it'll comfort me to know that you do feel the same as how I feel for you," She explained with a concerned tone, looking over her shoulder to peek towards him. "Are you lying to me about all this?"

Sesshōmaru also pushed himself up, his body tilted to the side so he could face her. His other hand rubbed at his temple, his eyes briefly closed before he reopened them and reached over to cup her face, pressing his fingers at each side of her jaws and made her face his way. He looked into her yellow eyes, he scanned and read her through them and needn't say more. Instead, he released her face and shifted himself off the bed, reaching for his pants and put them on.

"Where are you going?" He heard Mio ask.

"Put your clothes on," He instructed her as he continued to put his own clothes over himself.

"The sun hasn't come out from its slumber yet," She debated, although she did what she was told and began to cover her body from head to toe. "Where are we going?" She kept asking as she tied her hair into a messy bun, slipping in her favourite hair ornament to finish.

"To show you something," He grunted as he lifted his hand towards her with his palm facing upwards. "Do you trust me?"

"Yes," Mio didn't hesitate to say as she reached for his hand and held onto it tight.

All Those Times [Sesshōmaru Fanfiction] - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now