The Time He Saved Her

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Myōga had left the group in the first day of their travels, but he reunited with them upon arriving in the village of one of the war lords they needed to meet. He hadn't seen the people he had been looking for just yet, and as far as he could go, he landed on top of a stall, panting and trying to catch his breath. He was certain that they couldn't have gone far as the last news of them was nearly two days ago and they were said to have just arrived in the village - and in one piece. It surprised him that they survived for that long, considering that they travelled for four days to get there.

"Have you heard the news?" He heard a woman below whispering with another. The flea couldn't help but rush to the edge of the roof to peek down at the two yōkai women to hear better than the muffling. The second woman had held onto their friend as she nodded and said, "Oh yes! I had never expected Lord Heihachirō to have a daughter."

"And a beautiful one at that! I cannot believe she is set to wed Lord Sesshōmaru."

"I think that since they are the heirs of the powerful daiyōkais, who happen to be such great friends, I think they were arranged to wed the moment Lord Heihachirō's daughter was born."

"Do you think they are compatible though?" The volume of her voice lowered.

The other woman tapped her chin before she leaned closer. Her shoulders shrugged as she said, "I was their server last night when they dined in my inn, and the Lord and Lady were speaking subtly, yet their words were harsh towards one another. I just hope they get along well if this is what their Fathers wanted from them."

The flea slammed his arm on his forehead, his mouth shaped into an 'oh' as he was unsatisfied with what he just heard. He then pushed himself off the roof, hopping off different yōkai's heads and into the wooden place that had the word 'inn' scratched onto another wooden plank. His eyes scanned the room and found the white haired male and bronze haired female he was looking for. The two were sitting opposite each other at the corner, drinking tea as a rather distraught Jaken had been the one serving them.

Myōga rushed to their table, letting out a big sigh as he met with two pairs of yellow orbs that stared down at him.

"Nice of you to show up, Myōga," The lady spoke first as she placed her cup onto the table, leaving her hands there while she returned her glance to Sesshōmaru, who had decided to close his eyes and continue drinking and not to speak at all. She let out a sigh, furrowing her brows. "It would be nice if you acknowledged someone's presence, you know," She scolded the man and continued to drink her tea.

"It's okay, Lady Mio," The flea quickly tried to distract her. "May I ask what had happened since I parted?"

"Nothing," The two replied in unison.

"It definitely isn't nothing if you two are suddenly more distant than when you left. Do I need to remind you that you are trying to convince the other daiyōkai lords about the situation?" He groaned, he was disappointed on how quickly they could just turn the knob and be worse off than they were when he last saw them. "Have you met-"

"-He returns this eve from his hunt," Sesshōmaru unexpectedly spoke. "It would have been ideal for him to be here as soon as we arrived so that there would be no delays."

"Then what have the two of you been do-" Myōga was cut off once more by the entrance of a weeping woman and her bloody husband, they arrived in tears as the woman cried for help. Other villagers and foreign visitors had stared in disbelief, and yet no one dared to approach her and her husband. The flea felt a gust of wind push him to his back as he saw one of the two daiyōkais stand and rush to their aid, though it didn't surprise him when he saw that Mio had taken a stand and for Sesshōmaru to only eye from the distance. He followed the lady and leaped up onto her shoulder as the lady examined the male.

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