The Time He Declared War

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Winter has blanketed the lands in white, every part but the inside of their homes were covered with snow. It was midway through the season, and even amidst the cold weather, everyone in the lands were expecting news of Tomoe and her constant threats to become real as well as any news of Heihachirō falling into his illness, despite the fact he's been fighting it on his own for many, many years. Sesshōmaru had kept himself busy, often leaving the village to do his Western Lord duties with Myōga, A-Un and Jaken - the companions he travelled with before Mio.

The last time Sesshōmaru was set to go away with Sasaki to tend to his duties, Mio was also set to go and follow Minamoto on his trip home. Her Father decided she left him be as it was depressing for her to stay in the village and see him the way he was, and it was so she could go and enjoy more of her youth with the aid of Minamoto's daughter, who kept asking when she would visit.

"Be safe, Mio." Was his last words to his mate before she left in the early hours of the morning with Minamoto and a few of his men, while he left before noon and towards the other direction. He and Sasaki have always wandered to the different areas of the border between west and south, but the rumored human village that was burnt down never existed. It grew tiresome to chase after something that never existed, and he requested it be the last for a while as he wanted to spend time with his mate.

"Lady Mio really loves you," Sasaki attempted to strike up a conversation again, even though he mostly did the talking throughout every travel.

"How so?" Sesshōmaru replied, which he only started to do so since the last time, since the lieutenant daiyōkai complained to Mio about it and Mio wouldn't stop telling him to talk until he agreed that he would make an effort to talk.

"The way she looks at you, and the last time I saw a woman truly look at a man like that was her Mother, each time my friend, Heihachirō, left the village for his duties too... However-" The man shook his head, completely stopping at his tracks and turned to the younger daiyōkai with his eyes filled in black with red iris. "Tomoe is a very smart and clever woman," He hissed and he slammed his fist onto the nearest tree.

"What's wrong, Lord Sasaki?" Myōga peeped behind Jaken's hat as everyone in the group fully stopped walking. "Wait," The flea gasped. "This is all too familiar."

"Around this time, Mio was born and-" Sasaki growled and howled as he collided his fist onto the same tree one more time, snapping it down. "I was such a fool not to have noticed for you, Lord Sesshōmaru. I knew this was just too familiar!"

Sesshōmaru's eyes turned a full red and his iris to a blue hue, his teeth clenched against each other as he too came to realize what was being said. "We are going to the other direction now," He angrily and sternly said as he ran as fast he could towards the other direction, followed by Sasaki and the companions.


"Are you okay, Lady Mio?" Minamoto smiled as he led the way, tapping and stroking the horse that Mio sat on. "My daughter would be so happy for your visit, she's been talking about you nonstop."

"She is just adorable," Mio replied with a yawn. "We are still a day away, right? I'm hoping to rest for a bit," She muttered as her eyes began to feel heavy and drooped low. "B-But something is just not right. My- Ah- L-Lord Minamoto..." She whimpered and within seconds, she fainted and her body limped right off the horse and onto the ground.

"Lord Minamoto!" A guard yelped. Followed by another and another. One by one, the guards were shot by a needle and left restless on the ground, and Minamoto was left alone in the middle of limp bodies.

"Well, well, well, it was easier than I thought."

As an instinct, the war lord lifted Mio's body from the ground and carried her away, he ran and ran as fast as he could. But the needle snapped right at his neck, and he too fell to the ground, however, with his last ounce of strength, he wrapped his arm around Mio and hissed at the figure that approached him.

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