The Time He Saw Potential

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"We've spent far too much time in this area," Mio continued her complaints as she sat on her bed in the inn, she wore just a silk robe as she combed through the knots of her bronze hair after returning from the bath house with the innkeeper's daughter, who bonded with her during the days they remained in that village. "I doubt we would be leaving this village," She sighed.

Myōga sat opposite her, looking up at the daiyōkai as he asked, "To change the subject, can I ask what happened on the way here from your home?"

The woman pursed her lips, she sealed her mouth shut and continued to stroke through the strands of her hair with her fingers. After three to fours days since the incident with the bandits, both Mio and Sesshōmaru were both getting irritated, more so when the war lord still hadn't arrived from his hunt and neither of his other three children would come out from their homes to speak to them. It was Myōga who convinced them not to go into the house without the cleared invitation, hence why they became irritated and impatient.

"What if I had to guess what had happened?"

"Nothing happened, Myōga, why must you push and push?" She snapped, slamming her hand just an inch to the right of where the tiny yōkai sat. He flew into the air from the bounce and landed flat on his stomach, a groan followed as he slowly lifted his head to look up. His lips curved as he saw the woman had looked flustered, her cheeks tinted a light pink, which she quickly covered with her hands.

"You can tell me," He teased.

Mio swung her right arm and scrapped against the sheets of the bed, heading towards the flea. In one sweep for her, it seemed like a lot of effort for Myōga. He didn't get into a defensive position in time and he flew across the room, smacking his tiny body into the wood door. "You're pressing your nose into things that shouldn't be of your concern," She growled at him.

A groan replied to her at first but followed by the stern, monotonic of another man, who commented, "You are merely repeating what I said to you."

"Well then, you tell him what happened on our way here," She argued, waving her hand for them to leave her room, but the other daiyōkai took a step inside. His yellows eyes with the other pair of yellow orbs that belonged to the woman on the bed, and it would seem so suspicious if someone else were to walk in on them as they were both dressed in robes. And it seemed like the woman became uneasy at the thought as she appeared more flustered and had a darker tint on her cheeks as the man approached her, she even froze when his left hand reached out to her and his fingers made contact with her skin. Her breathing got a bit heavy as his fingers continued to trail around her face.

Sesshōmaru shook his head. "Lord Minamoto calls for is," He said in barely a whisper and pulled away from their moment, retracting his hands back to his side and walked out.

Myōga took the opporrtunity to tease as soon as the male was out of sight. "I suppose something like that occured for you two to become so different," He chuckled, distracting himself enough to not notice a hand appearing before him and slamming him against the door once again. "Okay, okay. But promise to tell me one day?"

"Persistent, aren't you?" She sighed. "Fine, I shall tell you if we ever leave this place."

The flea grinned as victory was his. "Then let us go!" He excitedly cheered, clapping his hands together from excitement of hearing gossip.

When the two had arrived at the doorway to Minamoto's home, Mio and Sesshōmaru exchanged looks, she gave him a nod and slipped her arm around his and transformed themselves from just traveling companions with a rough patch between them to a couple. Even Myōga was amazed as to how they easily did so as he eyes their movements closely from his spot on the male's pelt, though he wondered if Minamoto would notice the same, for he was recognized so well for his love of his wife and children.

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