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This is a Minecraft IRL AU, you can respawn 5 times before forever death.

I also recommend reading part one before this.

This is based in the DreamSMP.
Tubbo is also dead in this AU which would be considered like spectator mode but a little different.
After Tubbos death he follows Tommy, Tommy later is able to see Tubbo, and is the only one who can.
When Tubbo died Tommy and Tubbo where 11, and they hadn't met the other Dream spm members yet.
Thats just a little background info now onto the story.

Suicide Mention

Fundy's Pov
I led Wilbur up the mountain till we got to the top, he hasn't talked since I told him, I lead him to the same spot I stood before. This time Tommy was talking louder and you could hear another voice this time but it was so soft and sounded almost angelic, you could hear small giggles. Wilbur then said "he sounds happy." I just nod glancing at Wilbur, he looked betrayed you could say. Me and Wilbur stood there longer as it got darker we moved closer. We were able to see Tommy better now but we couldn't see the other person or hear him. Wilbur looked at me confused and moved closer very quietly, the voice was now quiet and replaced with a ringing like a wind chime but then it was just nothing, Wilbur came back to me and then whispered "no ones there." I then said "Invisibility potion?" He just nodded and said "probably, but do you hear they're voice?" I then say "it sounds... angelic?" Wilbur then says "yes, ive never heard it before" we both stayed silent after that. Tommy talked about us, about L'manberg, about the Dream Smp, and many other things, but he did this so happily like he only saw us once a year. He talked to this person as if they where the most amazing person in the world. Soon we heard crying and we thought it was the other person for a while but we then soon realized it was Tommy, Wilbur was about to go check on him but I grabbed his arm and whispered "let him be." After a minute he heard the voice, yet we still couldn't make out what they where saying but as a couple more minutes passed the voice got clearer and louder it sounded more like a young boy now, almost Tommy's age maybe but the only thing we could make out of what he was saying was "-the bees, they're your friends."
Tommy loved bees, he liked to talk about them alot we figured they where his favorite animal.
After a while Wilbur tugged on my arm and whispered "we'll wait for him at home" I nod as we walk away quietly.
Once we get back to L'manberg, Wilbur paces back and forth waiting for Tommy I sit down criss-cross behind him.

Tommy's POV
I was crying as Tubbo comforted me, I miss him... I wanted to give him one of my lives, another chance at life, another chance to walk on this earth. I could only do this if I had op, so I've been trying to make a deal with dream without anyone knowing to get op for ten seconds, this costed one of my lives, and that would be fine if I wasn't also giving one of my lives to Tubbo. Which left me with 2 lives, but Tubbo has zero lives. I've mentioned it to Tubbo once and he told me not too, but I feel like I have too.
Anyways its starting to get pretty dark and I couldn't see Tubbo anymore, but I could hear him faintly.

I look out to the darkness starting to stand up, this mountain, the same mountain Tubbo fell off of the same mountain I tried to jump off of when I felt alone. I start walking down the mountain wiping my face with Tubbos handkerchief, I kept it after his death while I kept mine in my pocket. I get to the bottom and head towards L'manberg and get to the walls and walk trew the entrance, I see Wilbur pacing back and forth and I ask "you okay Wilbur?" He stops pacing and looks at me I then notice Fundy a little behind him, Wilbur then says "Who were you talking to" I just freeze shocked, but then saying "My Friend"
"My Friend and the Bees"

Hope you Enjoyed! Btw This will have multiple parts after this, im planning to continue with this story. I'm also planning on making a part 2 to 'I'm not Clingy!' so be expecting that next week! Hope your all doing good, Thanks for reading POG! ❤💜❤

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