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Panic Attack

Tommy's POV
Escapism, I was familiar with that term, I know there was a point where my mental health was shit, I was unstable so my brain created another reality, that reality was based around the DreamSMP, I wasn't streaming as much, just lost in my own little world, my memory was becoming foggy, but then, everything just broke down, I became aware that this reality wasn't real, I was aware that I created this false reality because I was mentally unstable, and I was confused.
I then soon started therapy to help my mental health, and I was getting better, I learned that what I was doing was escapism and that it could be unhealthy, and soon that false reality was gone, like it never existed, my friends mentioned that I seemed happier, that it seemed like I was drifting there for a while and that they were glad that I was doing better, I wouldn't tell them about that other reality, I tried to completely stop thinking about that, and focus on the real world, but now, 3 months later, I had created a false reality again, it was so similar to the real world, I was aware of what I was doing this time though, I tried to snap myself out of it, I thought I did, but no, now these memories of this unreal world were mixing in with the real world, in this false reality I was hanging out with my friends almost all the time, I was either constantly at Tubbo's and Ranboo's house or at Wilburs place, when in the real world I was at my own house with my parents, and only saw the others to film vlogs, and I was drifting away from my friends again, but in my own little world I thought I was closer to them then ever, but now that false reality broke, but it was different this time, I was staying with Ranboo and Tubbo for the night to film a vlog, and they thought I was acting weird, out of it, clingy, I thought I was acting normal, but then I started a conversation with Ranboo, I mentioned our last vlog, but apparently that volg never happened, I tried to tell them it was, I explained everything we did in that vlog, Tubbo and Ranboo both said that never happened, and that the last time we filmed a vlog together was 3 weeks ago. I thought we had filmed atleast 5 vlogs together in the past 3 weeks, so I explained every single one to them, they denied that those things ever happened.
Everything was crumbling around me, I felt like I couldn't breathe, so I blocked this world out, I zoned into my other reality, when I woke up I was on the couch with Ranboo asleep on the floor next to the couch, I remembered that I had a panic attack and then we decided to calm down and watch a movie, but apparently that never happened either.

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