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Tommy's POV
I was sitting on the bench, deep in thought, Sam Nook asked me a simple math equation that I was supposed to figure out for measurements of some kind? I don't know, but I was trying to figure this out. Sam Nook said some shit like 2+2 or something, anyways, all of a sudden I heard footsteps behind me, before I could see who it was I got hit with a sword, I turn around and see. Its Niki? She then hits me with the sword again and I say "oww, what the hell Niki?!" She doesn't respond. That's when Sam Nook comes up behind her, and the grabs her and screams "YEET!" as he chucks her off the edge. I then say "Hi Sam Nook!" He then says "Hello Tommyinnit!..." I look behind him to see a small child, all of a sudden the child grabs him and lifts him up, which was kinda weird since Sam was 3 times the child's side, but I just Ignore that and say "Well bye Sam!" And he then screams "Wait! Tommy!" As he gets chucked of the edge. But then Technoblade falls from the sky and Drop kicks the child. I just simply walk away well thinking '4! 2+2 is 4! I figured it out!'
But then a Anvil falls from the sky, and "BONK!"
So yeah! That's how I died!

Sorry if you were expecting a serious story, just felt like writing something funny today, but hope you enjoyed, Hope your all doing good, Thanks for reading POG! ❤💜❤

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