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Suicidal Thoughts

Tommy's POV
"Get away from me! Leave me the fuck alone Wilbur! Why did you have to come back!
You left me! You left me right when they came! Right when Phil was here! Then you ask him to kill you. He could of just not killed you! Why did you want to leave me alone?..
You said you would always take care of me!" Tommy said

"Your not a child anymore Tommy, nobody needed me anyways, everyone hated me." Wilbur said.

"Wilby... I'm still a child. I didn't hate you, I need you, me and Tubbo needed you, why did you leave me and Tubbo in a cruel world with these cruel adults, just to get manipulated, and more traumatized then we were. I thought you loved me Will, I thought you where my big brother. You said you wouldn't leave me like Phil and Techno! You said you would comfort me when I was upset! Not force me in to war and punish me when I got upset. Left me to get exiled again, with your ghost, I liked you ghost, he reminded me of younger you, the one that would play his guitar till I fell asleep.

My breath got heavier.
I was balling my eyes out.
My vision was blury.

"I want Ghostbur back, he may not be you, but he's my big brother! Give him back!
Why did he leave me! He left me like everyone else!
It was my fault..
I promised him he wouldn't get revived, I told him everything would be okay!
I made him lie.
Ghostbur doesn't lie like you...
Your like everyone else! I don't know why I wanted you to be revived! I shouldn't of let Dream stay alive to revive you!
Your just like all of the others!"

Too may thoughts.
I can't breathe.
I can't see.
I'm scared...

"Everyone hurt me! You hurt me!
Puffy didn't hurt me.
Ranboo didn't hurt me.
They just didn't help me.
Why did no one help me!
I'm just a kid...
I'm a kid?
Am I a kid?
Kids don't go to war, kids don't start wars.
I'm not a kid.
I'm am adult...
An adult!
Adult aren't scared like me.
Adults aren't fucking cry baby's like me!
They aren't fuck ups!
They aren't mistakes!
I'm Tommyinnit!
A fucking mistake!
A useless useless human.
I'm not even human!
Human aren't mistakes like me.
They don't do wrong, everything humans do to me I deserve.
Because I'm a fucking monster.
Everything that I do to everyone is a mistake like me.
No one deserved any of that.
No one deserved to deal with a monster like me.
Why haven't they just killed me?!
They have killed me.
They don't want me here, I'm the whole problem.
I just want to die!
Why can't I just fucking die!
I didn't want to be alive.
I don't want to be alive anymore!"

I loved being alive so much.
But I didn't deserve life.
I only deserve pain.

I deserve death.
Wilbur didn't deserve death.

"I just want to leave"
To just, dissappear.

Yoooooo, Hey friends, so, I'll be on Summer Break soon (this Wednesday).
Which means I'll probably be able to post more, so thats much pog! Also this story is so close to 20k reads, so just wanna thank you guys, and I'm also really close to 100 followers, so again, Thanks! Anyways, as always, hope your all doing good, Thanks for reading POG! ❤💜❤

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