I smiled back lightly before she shooed me off for supper.

As I headed towards the table, I began to wonder whether I should tell everyone. I mean I didn't imagine any of them being too thrilled about the idea- especially the twins.

Before I could let my thoughts run away with me, I approached the group and was greeted with many hellos and smiles.

I sat down in between George and Fred, with Harry Hermione, Ron and Ginny sat opposite.

"Where have you been?" Ron mumbled, piling food in his mouth.

Hermione rolled her eyes and wiped the food from the side of his mouth before turning to me ,"Yeah we were waiting for you."

The twins leant on their hands, both turning to me to hear my response.

"Oh, Mcgonagall to stopped me for a moment outside to ask a favour."

"What favour? Anything I can help with?" Harry chirped up.

"No no, 'chosen one'" I scoffed, "You already have enough on your plate, yano defeating the Death Eaters and what not".

Everyone laughed including myself as Harry stuck his middle finger up at me and rolled his eyes.

Everyone began eating, except Ron, who was actually almost finished.

Whilst observing conversation, I felt George lean in beside me, placing his large hand on my thigh under the table.

He leant into my ear, not wanting to disrupt the group conversation, "So what did Mcgonagall ask? You never said."

Just at that moment, Fred also leaned in beside me, "Yeah Belle, what did she want?"

I let out a breath, internally deciding whether now was the right moment to tell them the news.

"I'll tell you both later." I replied quietly.

"Wicked." They replied in unison.

Fred return back to his original position, as did George, but he kept his hand firmly on my thigh, squeezing it every so often.


We were now back in the dorm room, spread out across the floor in our comfy clothes, sweets and other creations the twins had made sprawled across the floor.

I was listening to them both go on about all these plans they were making to start their own business.

Fred and George were beginning to get really serious about the whole 'opening a shop' together idea. They first brought it up a year or so back, but now that they had supplies and were creating products- they were really starting to think properly into it.

We even had said once that were going to drop out of school and miss our final year, the boys were going to open up their own shop and I was going to work at my favourite book store round the corner. It was a perfect plan.

I wondered if this dream we had could actually be reality because to me, it seemed like the perfect life.

I slowly came out of my day dream to hear Fred go on about one of their new favourite products.

"I absolutely love the Puking Pastels!" he chuckled, "I gave some to Neville yesterday and- haha... you should have seen him." Fred tried hard not to laugh but he was clearly struggling.

George and I laughed in return, George's head in my lap as I sat up against the end of his bed.

The laughter died down, and George turned to face the ceiling, looking over at me, "Its Friday tomorrow, what's the plan for the day?"

"Well we could go to for a few butterbeers down at Hogsmeade straight after class, and then-"

I interrupted Fred, remembering I already have arrangements straight after class, "I actually can't go straight after I have something to do, but you could wait or I could meet you there?"

"Why?" Fred questioned, picking up a chocolate frog from the floor, beginning to unwrap it.

"Well remember I mentioned that favour for Mcgonagall? Well its for tomorrow."

"And what is this favour, Potter?" George looked up at me as I gently ran my hands through his hair.

"Okay well, if I tell you... promise you wont get mad or tell me off and say anything negative, alright?"

"No promises." They said in unison, George now sitting up and leaning his back against the bed next to me.

I rolled my eyes with a smirk before beginning, "Well... Rita Skeeter is coming to Hogwarts tomorrow to interview the Triwizard tournament winner-"

"Who? That git Diggory?" Fred mumbled, half a chocolate frog in his mouth.

"Yes Fred. And as I was his date to the Yule Ball-"

"Hardly. You was with us most of the time." George scoffed; I sensed slight jealousy but decided to not bring it up.

"Let me finish. So as I was his date and I was the one he saved from the lake and I was yano... his girlfriend-"

This earned a gagging sound from both of them, pretending to puke and hold their stomachs at the thought of me being with Cedric.

"Boys I'm serious!" I sighed, trying not to let my small grin turn into a laugh, "anyways, they want to interview me as part of the article and get some photos of Cedric and I together."

"What seriously?" Fred scoffed.

"Yes, seriously."

"And you said yes?" George turned to me, his brows furrowing and scrunching his nose.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I?"

"Well I don't know if you remember Belle, but we all kind of... well how do I say this- hate him." Fred sassed, raising his eyebrows.

"Ugh I know I know. But you know what I'm like I cant say no, I'm a people pleaser!" I raised my hands in defence.

"But Professor Mcgonagall said it wont take long, and we can go for butterbeers straight after." I whined, hoping they wouldn't be too annoyed.

George huffed, putting his head on my shoulder, "Fine, but if I see one picture with Diggory's hand anywhere they shouldn't be, he'll be getting more than a couple of puking pastels."

"I second that Georgie." Fred added, trying to look stern, making me snigger.

We all began to giggle, me kicking Fred slightly who was laid across from me.

I mean at least they weren't too disapproving, I mean how bad could a little interview and some pictures be?


Hi guys! Sorry nothing much really happened this chapter, this was more of a filler before I get to the next few chapters.

Because there's gonna be a bit of drama... im excited.

Thanks for reading, i hope you're enjoying it. If you have any ideas or notes let me know.


Morning Love. (George Weasley)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें