Alex - Picture of Jack Frost please

Flynn - Hang on

Flynn -

Reggie - It's because he's hot

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Reggie - It's because he's hot

Julie - Thank you!!!!

Luke - He's animated Reg

Reggie - And....

Reggie - I already love him

Alex - 🥺🥺🥺🥺

Reggie - I'm kidding. I only have eyes for you babe 😘

Alex - I'm not convinced 😂😂

Flynn - I want to keep exposing you guys now so stop the conversation

Julie - We don't want you to expose us. You already revealed too much

Flynn - Oh honey I haven't even scratched the surface of what I know

Flynn - Luke does Yoga in tighty Whities

Luke - I do not

Flynn - Yes you do and I have the tape to prove it

Flynn - Don't worry I won't show it. I'll save that for blackmail territory

Luke - Oh god

Flynn - I have something about Alex 😇😇

Alex - No you don't

Flynn - Something not even Reggie knows

Reggie - Wait what!!!! What do I not know

Alex - Flynn don't do this

Alex - You're better than this

Flynn - I'm sorry Alex. I have no choice

Flynn - Alex roleplays as Elsa and does scenes with himself in the mirror when he thinks we aren't around

Reggie - Wait I thought you dressed as Justin Bieber

Reggie - I'm confused

Flynn - Oh he does multiple different ones. He has the costumes and everything

Reggie - Ooh I want to see

Alex - You'll never find the costumes

Reggie - Found them

Alex - What!!!! How!!!!!!

Reggie - They're literally in the loft Alex. And you guys think I'm stupid

Luke - We don't think you're stupid

Reggie - Aww thx

Luke - We just think you're mentally challenged

Reggie - I take that aww thx back 🤬🤬

Julie - Woah Reggie's mad 😂😂

Alex - He's cute when he's mad

Reggie - I found a Madonna costume you guys!!!!

Flynn - I have the promised embarrassing and cute pictures

Flynn - Actually they're mostly just cute

Flynn -

Flynn -

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Flynn - I have more but like I said before I'm saving those

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Flynn - I have more but like I said before I'm saving those

Flynn - Mwah hahhahahahaha

Flynn has left the chat

Julie and the Phantoms textsWhere stories live. Discover now