Chapter 7

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Tiana Sully

Tiana couldn't believe, that they had finally convinced her to change into these uncomfortable clothing.

She felt very insecure and exposed, she couldn't even cover herself if she had tried, Neytiri and Jake had to literally push Tiana up onto the second level of the tree.

All the Tribe was there in a great circle, where people sat together around a massive fire, the area went silent immediately as Jake and Tiana walked through.

The siblings followed after Neytiri, in the crowds of hatful eyes, it made Tiana extremely nervous.

Once they were settled in the line of Na'vis, Neytiri gave them both leaves like a plate, while sat on the leaves were teylu— it's a big grub that was around 8 centimetres long. It made Tiana want to vomit, just looking at the teylu squirm made her feel queasy. She placed it down in front of her, refusing to eat something so revolting.

Grace taught her to try everything that the Na'vi ate at camp, but this is the one thing she refused. These were down right disgusting, out of all the things they could of chose from, they chose Teylu.

That was until Tsu'tey gave her a hard glare, looking between her and her supposedly meal.

Tiana instantly picked up the food, like a scolded child being forced to eat their vegetables. She looked at the Teylu one last time, before closing her eyes and taking a bit.

Tiana held back a gag, as she felt the insides of the Teylu swish around her mouth, before she swallowed the substance.

Surprisingly the Teylu didn't taste all that bad, is was actually quite sweet to eat, the texture was disgusting, but overall it was okay. Could be worse, from under her eye lashes she looked up at the tall Na'vi male who looked at her and rolled his eyes. Removing his gaze from hers and continued to eat his meal, it was quiet after that, Tiana finished off her meal in peace.


When it was time for the Na'vi to sleep, Neytiri had led Jake up to the second floor, telling Tiana to wait for Tsu'tey to tell her where she'd be sleeping.

She's been waiting for quite a while sitting by a small log, she had her knees to her chest as she leaned her cheek against her knees, Tiana sighed loudly. She was starting to get tired, one minute he was next to her by the fire, and the next he had completely disappeared into thin air.

Tiana's eyes were beginning to droop, before she quickly became alert when a twig snapped, Tianas ears flattened, as she looked at some kind yellow eyes. It was another male Na'vi that she has yet to see, instead of holding hate and distaste like the others, he showed kindness and comfort.

He was smiling at her slightly, he looked a bit younger than Tiana, "hello, you're Ta'na yes?" He spoke softly towards her, "not really how you say it, but your close." He tilted his head "can you teach me?" Tiana blinked confused, now she was the one tilting her head to the side. "W-why?"

"Because it's rude not to know a pretty women's name" Tiana blushed brightly, at the sudden compliment, not expecting that to come out of the Na'vis mouth. "U-um sure I can."

The male Na'vi smiled wider as he sat next to her, they were silent for a moment just staring at one another awkwardly, until Tiana spoke. "Tea-ana." The male Na'vi furrowed his brows "Ta'na" she shook her head "Tea-ana"

"Tiana" Tiana's mouth dropped open looking at the male, "t-that's correct, I didn't think you'd get it like that..."

"Tiana, Tiana, Tiana" this made the two laugh loudly, as he continued to say her name correctly, "alright I get it, you're smart." Tiana chuckled. "What's your name?" She looked over at him curiously, he smiled at her "it's—"

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