Chapter 6

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Hey, I'm sorry but I unpublished, and published the chapter again. I wanted to edit the ending of the chapter, so if you've read the chapter already, feel free to ignore or read. Thank you 😊 - 3/11/20

Tiana Sully

Tiana groaned loudly as she hit the floor, quickly sitting herself up, as more Na'vi people came into view.

Some on beautiful direhorses, six legged, armour skinned horses. While others ran on foot towards them.

They all hollered with their bows and spears out in front of them, Tiana quickly removed the vines from her ankles and stood, Jake did the same standing in front of Tiana in a protective manner.

The group of people aimed their spears and bows at the siblings, so they had no where to escape, they we trapped.

The female Na'vi stood in front of Jake, hissing at them all in a threatening tone. "Tsu'tey! What are you doing!?" She shouted out towards the male known as Tsu'tey, who now stood in front of her.

He was young about a year or two older than Tiana, he was powerfully built, with sculpted features and a proud jawline. With piercing eyes, you could get lost in them...

The male held a scowl upon his face before he answered, turning his attention to the siblings for a split second. "These demons are forbidden here! I will kill them as a lesson to the others."

Tiana took a huge gulp "oh dear..." she whispered more to herself, but Jake heard her. "What?... what did he say?" Tiana took a shaky breathe, "he's going to kill us... to teach others a lesson."

Tiana quickly shut up as she felt a spear towards her back, she sucked in as much as she could, to remove the pointy end from the small of her back.

"No you will not kill them, there has been a sign. This is a matter for Tsahik."

The male looked at her with a lot of frustration, his jaw clenched tightly. He turned on his heels angrily, connecting his queue with the direhorses and jumping up with ease.

"You will bring them." He hollered to the others, as he move his direhorse in the other direction, cantering off.

Suddenly Tiana felt someone grab a fistful of her wavy hair, and push her forward. Tiana  hissed in pain as they started to run, to god knows where. She was getting really nervous about what their future holds now.


Tiana hadn't realised how unfit she was until now, they had made her run for ages.

She was certainly out of breathe, so she was glad that they had stopped running when they got near a huge tunnel going into a tree.

It was absolutely massive, bigger than what Tiana has ever seen in her whole career. She's seen photos of it from Grace, but never has she thought it was this big.

Though the siblings were able to stop running, the Na'vi made them march at a fast pace, Tiana was very surprised how fit these people were.

Soon they were both surrounded by the Na'vi tribe, as Tiana walked through she was poked and slapped by the people. Some looked at them with hate and some with curiosity, Tiana was getting really nervous.

They soon stopped in front of an older male, Tiana identified him as Eytukan, the tribe leader... he looked at them with a blank face, before he turned to the female. "Why did you bring these creatures here?"

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