Chapter 14

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Tiana Sulley

About an hour later after she had packed her belongings into her baggage, Tiana didn't feel any better, she was silent the whole way to site 26.

Nobody knew why, but no one wanted to ask either, they know when she goes completely silent that she should be left alone until she is ready to talk.

The worst part about the trip was that Trudy wasn't the only solider on the air craft to escort them to site 26, out of everyone Tiana would have happily had anyone even fucking Lyle Wainfleet, but no it was like the world wanted her to suffer. They brought fucking Rowan Reagan, the person she wanted to get away from the most, of course her luck wouldn't be on her side.

Little did she know it was meant to be only Trudy on this mission, but Rowan had begged Quaritch to let him go, made the excuse that if something happened to Trudy even though she was one of the best pilots and marines on the team. That it would just be safer if she had back up, the coronal didn't even think twice about it and let him go.

But Tiana just watched the world of Pandora below her, she ignored the side glances he gave her trying to catch her attention, even if it was for a second. She couldn't wait to get off this aircraft and get as far away as she could, she'll jump straight into the pod and connect with her avatar body.

"Hey look we're in the flux vortex." Tiana looked straight ahead where Grace was pointing "the Hallelujah Mountains!" As the clouds started to separate over the aircraft, clear as day the Hallelujah Mountains did come into view, Tiana hasn't seen them in a while. Her brother, who was already in his Avatar body and Norm gasped at the sight in front of them, the floating mountains of Pandora.

They were enormous islands of rock hovering a miles above the ground of the forest, they are overgrown with rainforest, and straggly beards of vines hang down beneath them. Waterfalls stream down the sides and dissolve into spray at the bottom, they were beautiful in everyone's eyes, even the marines couldn't get enough of their beauty.

"So what holds them up?" Jake asked and Tiana smiled at her brother's curiosity. "Since Unobtanium is magnetic and the mountains are filled with this valuable resource, the area around the Hallelujah Mountains has a geomagnetic 'flux' that repels the Unobtainium inside the mountains, thus elevating them." Without looking away from the floating islands her brother nodded at her response, "this world is truly amazing... isn't it?"

"It really is Jake, it's a shame other people cannot see that... the way we do..." Grace looked seriously at Jake's side profile, if he heard what she had said, he did a pretty could job at pretending that he couldn't. It confused Tiana but she didn't say a word, as she focused on her surroundings.

"It's just down there Trud, little to the right. That's it! Lower her down!"  Norm pushed past everyone to get a look at the shacks, earning huffs from the Sully siblings.

Once they landed, Tiana jumped straight out and looked at her surrounding area, she couldn't help but smile. She really loved it here, she then walked straight into site 26 and turned everything on, she had been here once before briefly when she was 17 with Grace.

So Tiana knew what she was doing, before she could run to her escape, Grace held onto her arm. "Slow down tiger, we can't go straight in yet, they haven't been used in a few months I'll need to do a few adjustments and updates." Tiana felt deflated, "I need you to do some samples for me as I work on this okay?" Tiana nodded as much as she hated it. She turned to go back to the aircraft that Trudy called 'Wide Aerial' her pride possession, the reason she gets up in the morning and do her work everyday, she owned the aircraft since she was deployed from earth.

She was absolutely lethal in the sky, an unstoppable machine, you don't want to get on Trudys bad side. You'd surely regret it.

Rowan and Trudy were stood with equipment in their hands of all sorts, that Grace, Norm and Tiana needed to get their jobs done. Tiana saw her bag of equipment she needed to do her samples, she quickly grabbed it and went to leave, but Trudy called her.

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