Chapter 1

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Tiana Sully

Tiana stood next to her new Avatar, it was in a tank full of water to keep her hydrated, as the scientist ran tests over her body. Tiana loved her Avatar, she didn't have black braided hair like the rest, in fact she had long wavy black hair. Tiana hated having her hair tied back, as she'd rather be different from the rest.

Everyone agreed to Tianas wish, and customised her Avatar to the way she wanted it. She was the favourite amongst the students, and the youngest. People ranged from 25 and upwards, which Tiana didn't mind she didn't want to be in a immature environment. Though sometimes, that never really worked out for her, as some of the men and women still act like children.

"If your brother could see you now, he'd be proud." Graces voice rang through Tianas ears, and her heart tightened at the mention of her brother... it may have already been six years already, but it doesn't mean it still didn't hurt. Tiana took a small breathe and smiled, turning her attention to Grace "I'm glad... that's my goal..." Grace gave her student a reassuring smile, "get some rest, your test run starts tomorrow." Tiana couldn't help the smile raise upon her face, she's been training and waiting for this for the past six years, now her time has finally come. Since Tom died, Grace took it upon herself to look after Tiana, and has stuck to her promise. For that Tiana was fully grateful for this, she tried not be disrespectful, or go against Grace at all.

Tiana was broke out of thoughts when she bumped into someone's chest, she looked up to see Rowan Raegan. A six foot soldier that Tiana  has recently started to have a fling with, they had known each other since Tiana arrived at Pandora. Rowan was eighteen at the time while Tiana was fourteen, they had been some what on talking terms. Tiana hated every single one of the soldiers on the team, but Rowan was an exception. He wasn't as bad as the others, he was pretty much tolerable. "Hello beautiful, are you free?" Tiana shrugged, she wasn't really in the mood today, plus she had to rest. "I guess so, but I'm in need of rest, my first test run is tomorrow." Rowan simply rolled his eyes at her, "you should be with us soldiers, most of them are just pussies wanting to look big." Tiana couldn't help but giggle at that, which made Rowan smile. As much as he hated to admit it, he loved to see her laugh and smile. "Come on... one round?" Tiana rolled her eyes "when you mean one round Rowan, you mean about four" Rowan grinned at her "can you really blame me?" Tiana stayed silent for a moment, before nodding her head at him.

Rowan smiled in victory, placing his large hands into her small ones, and he pulled her towards his room. Tiana just allowed it, once he gets what he wants, he'll leave her alone.

Rowan closed his door and locked it behind them, so none of this room mates could walk in and ruin the moment. Tiana leaned up against the door, as Rowan had his arms at each side of her head. He smiled down at her "you're beautiful... you know that?" Tiana just stared at him not knowing what to say to that, she was slightly shocked. Rowan always called her beautiful, but this was different... and Tiana couldn't put her finger on it. She was broken from her thoughts as his lips connected with hers, their lips started off slow and sweet, but soon got much more rough. Tiana realised this is what she needed, she need some sort of stress relief. The stress she was holding the past few days due to the mission, was slowly creeping up on her. She really needed this. Tiana deepened the kiss by slipping her tongue into his mouth, which he happily compiled, their tongues fought against one another as Rowan grabbed Tianas ass and hoisted her up,making her wrap her legs around his waist.

Rowan moved them to the bed, where he laid Tianas small body,and hovered over her. He looked at her with so much admiration. He lowered his head to Tianas neck, as he started to slowly kiss up and down her neck. Tianas breathe was starting to get ridged, as he removed her clothes. "One r-round only..."


That one round became a whole four rounds, just as Tiana said it would. She woke up this morning feeling slightly worse, she was really nervous to go into her Avatar, though deep down she was extremely excited to explore this new world Grace spoke so highly about. Tiana was now dressed and showered, feeling slightly more refreshed than previously, laying in her link.

"You'll be alright, just listen to Leo and Francesca and you'll be fine. They'll help you get used to your Avatar body." Grace hovered over her student who was laying in her Link, she had no doubt that Tiana would be able to get through this, she knew she can. Tiana nodded at her "Alright... I can do this...."
"Just close your eyes and blank your mind remember." Tiana did just that as Grace closed the lid, Tiana tried to calm herself down, allowing her mind to go blank.

When Tiana eyes opened, her vision was blurry and her hearing was muffled. She saw blurry figures staring down at her, after a few moments everything became normal and she could see and hear. "Hello Tiana, welcome to your new body." Leo smiled down at her, earning a smile in return from Tiana. "If you'd like to try and sit up that would be a great start." Francesca added, Tiana nodded, and sat up groaning feeling slightly light headed. "Are you alright Tiana? Feeling nauseous? Any pain? Can't feel anything?" Francesca asked numerous questions at a time, Tiana started to wiggle her blue toes and move her ankles. She couldn't help but smile, she then moved her fingers and wrists. Tiana smiled at both Leo and Francesca, "I was a bit light headed at first, but I think I'm alright now... I don't feel any pain and I can feel everything, this feels amazing!" Tiana couldn't keep her excitement in any longer, the two scientists laughed at her, shaking their heads. "Can you touch your thumbs to each of your fingers please, just so we can evaluate touch." Leo asked very formally, Tiana complied and touched her fingers with her thumb feeling every single one of them. "You're doing great Tiana, well done, how does it feel?"
"It feels normal, nothing out of the ordinary... just like in my human form." Leo nodded and started to write things down, Tiana patiently waited for their next move. "Alright Tiana your last stage is your feet, if you can sit and place your feet onto the floor that would be great." Francesca asked. Tiana placed the pads of her feet onto the ground, she smiled wickedly, this new feeling is amazing. "I can feel them... am I able to stand?"

Leo nodded "yes you can, but be very careful, you're not used to the Avatar body yet." Tiana understood, and slowly stood up she was very wobbly at first and fell back a few times. But she had finally got the hang of it, the two scientists nodded "you've done well, your check up is over. Grace will be waiting for you in the store room down the hall, to your left. Clothes will be waiting for you." Tiana nodded "thank you for your help" with that Tiana walked off with her instructions, it didn't take her tall avatar gave her long strides.

As Tiana entered the room Grace in her Avatar was there, she smiled at Tiana "Well look at you, not too bad looking." Tiana walked over to her teacher and hugged her "not looking too bad yourself" Grace played with Tianas long wavy hair, "it's a nice touch, though it'll get in the way, you may want to tie it up" Grace knew that Tiana hated her hair up, but she would at least give it a try. But only resulted in Tiana rolling her eyes, "I think I'll be fine thank you" they didn't talk about the subject further, Tiana  changed into a pair of shorts, a tank top and some black dr.martens. Her clothes were much larger than her human clothes, she loved being this height. "Come on let me show you around, there's a lot to show!" Grace enthusiastically spoke to Tiana, who nodded her head smiling. As Grace opened the door to the outside, Tianas eyes widened in amazement.

It was beautiful... there was a lot of green and forest around them, much better than earth. She fell in love, as they walked Tiana noticed they were standing on a empty basketball court. while infront of them laid a obstacle course, with a few members of the Avatar Program, working out and practicing. She couldn't help but smile at her surroundings,  she was just so drawn into the forest line, Tiana couldn't wait to explore this beautiful world.


I thought this was a good place to finish the first chapter, I've watched Avatar recently and had the urge to write a love story involving Tsu'tey.
I hope you enjoy this, I hope you'd like to read some more, which will be in Chapter 2:)
See you then.
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Author; HarperRennie

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