Chapter 4

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Tiana Sully

Tiana practically jumped on her toes, around the hutch where their avatars stayed, "come on come on, can we go now?! Please!" Today was the day that Tiana's training, will finally come to some real use. Grace made an announcement last night at dinner, that they will be going into the forest, studying the life of plants in Pandora. Obviously that wasn't the main reason she wanted to go into the forest, it was because of the animals, and every little detail that she's learnt. She wants to witness everything for herself.

Grace held onto Tiana's shoulder quite literally, to keep her still "Calm down, we'll be leaving soon, alright?" She smiled at her student, Grace hasn't seen Tiana this happy in a long time, it gave her joy. "Okay, but hurry up!" Grace just ignored her, as she got the last few pieces of their equipment together.

Norm was explaining to Jake further down the hutch, about the plants of the forest, and how they are all connected to the Na'vi somehow.

This is the one thing that they were never able to figure out, before Grace could get closer to her findings, the marines did a attack unexpectedly. They ruined everything for the scientists, and ever since then... no one has ever come close to a Na'vi, before they're killed on the spot.

Grace never wanted to speak about the situation either, which confused Tiana quite a lot, as they both told each everything. But she never wanted to push it, so she didn't bring it up again, it'll forever be a mystery.

Tiana walked over to Norm and Jake, but shook her head as Jake looked at Norm with total confusion, he didn't have any clue what Norm was on about. "Norm leave the guy alone, he doesn't know what the hell you're talking about, you're wasting your—"

Tiana was cut straight off, when the loud sound of helicopter panels could be heard.

She instantly ran out from the hutch, and walked towards the massive helicopter belonging to Trudy. Tiana's long wavy blew back behind her, as the strong air waves of the panels smacked hard against her face, she winced slightly. As Trudy landed perfectly on the ground, she smiled brightly seeing the young female, nodding in acknowledgement.

The panels came to a hard stop, indicating that Tiana could move right up to aircraft, but she was surprised to see Rowan jump out of the helicopter.

Tiana furrowed her brows, "what are you doing here?" Rowan snorted "you haven't been that happy to see me at all, have you Princess?" Tiana rolled her eyes, "you didn't answer my question."

Rowan sighed in defeat, "I've been signed to Trudy's flight-let, plus when I saw there was a space to work with you, I couldn't help but sign up."

He smiled showing his pearly white teeth, Tiana huffed, Rowan was just like a puppy, but it wasn't cute.

For Tiana it was getting quite annoying now, she gets that they had fun, but it was getting boring with his constant flirting and obsession."well don't let me stop you from doing your job"

She turned towards Trudy, "alright Cap?"
"Good as I'll ever be— Rowan get back into position, check everything over before we head back off"

"Yes ma'am" he nodded towards Tiana before he got back into the helicopter, "I'm not your mother!" Trudy shot right back, Tiana laughed as well as Rowan. Tiana shook her head biting her lip, she hasn't worked with Trudy before, but she could tell she'll be a lot of fun to work with.

"First time out is it?" Tiana nodded "Yes, it's nerve racking, but I'm bloody excited too." Trudy smiled crossing her arms over her chest, "you'll love it out there, it's truly beautiful. What Earth was like apparently." Tiana stayed quiet, she had never witnessed the beautiful greens of earth, for all she could know it was an absolute myth.

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