Chapter 10

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Tiana Sully

Direhorses were extremely beautiful, Tiana thought as she stood in front of the six legged creatures.

Today it was just her and Tsu'tey, which she hated— they didn't get along and neither one of them wanted to be in each others company.

Little to no conversation was exchanged between the two, on their way to the open field, where many of the dire horses grazed graciously.

Tiana watched as Tsu'tey went off into a crowd on Direhorses, just a little away from where Tiana stood at the border.

Tiana took this small moment to admire the beauty of Pandora once again, it was truly magnificent... the long thick Pandorian trees, hiding almost every inch of the ground— a perfect way for the clan to hide away safely. Beautiful flowers and small creatures, wherever you adventured, stunning colours of green and deep browns. Only showing half of what it's beauty really holds.

When Tiana says she can't get enough of this world, she means it. Pandora was graciously marvellous, a much better component compared to earth, which as been truly destroyed by the likes of human kind. With the continuous builds and tremendous businesses, Tiana just hopes that the RDA doesn't ruin Pandora with their horrid machinery and disgusting overly large base, that covered Pandora. Where astounding trees used to stand, showing the mighty power that this world held.

But by just one swipe, they were taken away, by axes and strong machinery of the RDA. Pandora losing its beauty and some strong magnificent power, Tiana bet that the  Omaticaya Clan lost apart of themselves as they watched their world being destroyed by the likes of humans.

Tiana looked down at her hands, sighing deeply as she was deep in thoughts.

Not even realising that Tsu'tey was back, and was watching her closely as she went quiet and depressed. He was confused as to why she was suddenly like this, but he was not curious enough to ask.

"Dream Walker! Pay attention!" Tsu'tey spoke in a rather soothing voice, of course with a lot of hostility towards her. Tiana frowned slightly as she turned to the male in front of her, admiring him suddenly. His two colour shade of blue on his skin, with his long black hair that was braided and sat perfectly on his head, and his dazzling bright yellow yes that reminded Tiana of the sun. The Na'vi we extremely beautiful and cat like.

Tiana hadn't noticed in her moment of admiration, that she has unconsciously moved towards the male, now standing right in front of him as she stared over him.

Tsu'tey was made to feel very uncomfortable, and just stood still as for once he had no idea what he could do, suddenly Tiana raised her hand and placed it on Tsu'tey chest as she followed one of his many stripes.

In that moment Tiana retracted her hand quickly, as soon as she knew what she was doing and moved away quickly. Turning her back towards the male, who was stood in his place stunned with what just happened.

"I-I'm sorry... I-I can't do this. I-" Tiana couldn't trust her voice as she suddenly started to tear up, while she showed some weakness today— she didn't care. The only thing she didn't want the Omaticaya Clan to see, was her cries. Tiana hasn't cried in front of someone since she was 14 years old, which was upon Tommy's death. She hated feeling weak.

Without any warning, Tiana sprinted off back into the forest away from a still stunned Tsu'tey.

He definitely thought that this girl was strange, but he couldn't understand the tingling feeling on his chest where Tiana's once was. The male hissed as he ran off in the other direction of the girl, wanting to go into the river and remove her disgusting feel against his skin.

Leaving the very confused direhorse who stood their proudly, looking between the directions of the Na'vis who went their separate ways, before he bent his head down and started to munch on the define grass.

Tiana ran as fast as she could until she couldn't run anymore, until she struggled to catch her breathe, she rested against a tree huffing and puffing. Tiana hated this, she hated the fact that humans have to destroy everything they touch. Jake and Tiana didn't deserve this opportunity, she knew nothing good will come out of this, even if it was her whole life work.

Why was this suddenly so hard? Tiana hasn't  even started...

Well hello readers! It's been another long while I know, since I last updated.  it may be be short and very disappointing, but I've had a very hard time trying to find the good time to think, create and write this story. I'm not going to stop writing this book, but they may continue to be slow updates.

But I haven't even noticed that I've started this book a year ago! Which is amazing, and I'm so grateful for my small readers that have been there for my book from the start. I love you all for continuing to read, and wait for my updates. It really does mean a lot to me.

I hope that your all having an amazing day, and I hope you liked this small filler chapter! 💜


Written; 07/04/21
Completed; 29/06/21

Differences || Tsu'tey ||Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon