Chapter 11

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Tiana Sully

After 2 days of not talking to anyone, and staying tuck up in her room with no human interaction, Grace finally came storming into Tiana's pit. Screaming and shouting at Tiana to get her act together, that she would be jeopardising the whole mission if she didn't go back, to finish what they have started.

With a lot of hesitation, Tiana finally got off her ass and took the plunge. Forgetting about her worries and her own selfish act, and got her mindset in her work. What she's being paid to do, and what her life was about, even if getting to know and understand the clans ways wasn't in her job description. She knew it had to be done, and this opportunity was one in a million.

Tiana and Tsu'tey were having a one on one session with the amazing direhorses, the other Navi had already learnt how to handle these amazing creatures days prior.

It was vaguely horse-like in appearance, with very long necks, which have their noses; having six holes in fact to be able to breathe they surprisingly have small heads, but long snouts like a swordfish. Tiana could roughly make out, that they are roughly the same size of an elephant. Which was no problem for Tiana's tall avatar body, the direhorse just like most native creatures of Pandora, have two long thin antennas that emerge from either side of the top of the skull. Where they not only transmit pleasure and affection, but also is a means of transferring information about food sources and potential dangers to each other.

They are truly amazing creatures Tiana thought, she never thought being so close to one, would fill her heart with warmth. Tsu'tey held the strong beauty by some vine that was wrapped around its head.

Ever since that day Tiana had touched him suddenly and ran off, he had felt on edge and kept his distance, they both could not look at one another for more than a second, before they would both look away in embarrassment.

Tiana sighed, making Tsu'tey to furrow his eyes and look at her, "what is it alien?" He asked her, but didn't really care what was up, he just wanted to get away from her as soon as possible.

"I'm sorry what I did last time we had encountered, I shouldn't have acted so informally and disrespectful.." it was silent for a moment, he didn't know what to say, he hated that she had done that to him, it made him feel uneasy and uncomfortable. But he nodded his head "it's fine stupid,  don't touch me with those horrible hands again"

Tiana couldn't help but smile, even with his insults, she was happy that he had accepted her apology.

"Now alien, we train."

"You must mount her and connect your neural queue to her antennae, Once queue and antenna touch, the feathery tendrils will automatically intertwine as if possessed of free will, your bond will instantly become strong... you will be one." Tsu'tey spoke with his strong accent, Tiana nodded listening to his every word.

She mounted the creature by hoisting herself up with her strong long arms and sat calmly on the direhorse, "good feel her and make the bond and listen to her." Tiana didn't waste any time as she, picked up her one braid that held the neural and the other hand held the direhorses antenna, connecting the queue. This made Tiana gasp out loudly, while the direhorse snorted, warmth and content filled her body... they had now bonded and she had never felt this feeling before, it was strange but she loved the feeling, of the new trust and friendship that had just formed.

"Good. Once you feel confident enough. Ride her, tell her what to do and guide her, I'll be right behind you."

Tiana nodded her head in understanding, "Alright I got this." She took a big deep breathe. 'Walk forward' the direhorse moved on forward, in a slow steady pace, Tiana patted the elegant creature on her shoulder, letting her know she was grateful. Which in response to her gratitude, the direhorse let out a small snort.

"Hmm I guess I'll have to name you won't I... something that's different from what anyone here as heard of..." Tiana thought long and hard as the direhorse walked, but nothing came to Tiana's mind, which got her frustrated. But it quickly deteriorated when Tsu'tey came trotting up beside her.

"Now that you have the basics of it, do you think you can run?" Tiana looked at him uncertain "" she had been keeping Tsu'tey waiting for long enough, so surely a little run wouldn't hurt... right? Either way at least he can get a small kick of laughter, if she fell?

Tiana nodded, "yeah... I think I can do that," He didn't respond, but let out a loud holler, and started galloping forward.

At this Tianas direhorse started to get antsy and jump from feet to feet. She felt so nervous, but tried to hide it, not wanting to stress her direhorse or show Tsu'tey that she was fearful, she took a deep breathe. 'Run like the wind'. And just like that, her direhorse was off after Tsu'tey.

She was quick to smile happily as the wind that was created by the motion of her movements, started to slap against her face, and her hair blew freely behind her like something in a movie that she would watch as a kid, she loved this feeling and knew she would definitely be doing this more often.

Tiana let out a laugh as her direhorse quickly caught up with Tsu'tey, he looked at her with surprise, that she had actually stayed on and caught up with him.

He then smirked, generally impressed by her, he hollered once again "come on faster boy! Faster!" With his command, Tsu'teys direhorse sped up his speed.

"Think you'll be faster than us Tsu'tey? Dream on, come on girl! Fly like the wind!"

"Yes, yes I do alien!"

At that her direhorse let out a loud whiny as she sped up, catching up Tsu'tey once again and even passing his direhorse. Tiana hollered loudly, knowing it would piss Tsu'tey off completely.

Suddenly another presence came up beside her, making Tiana turn to her left seeing Arvok, he smiled brightly "well well look at the Tiana, you look like a natural!" This made Tiana laugh "not too bad yourself!"

"Next time we sho—" but before Arvok could finish his sentence, both of their direhorses stopped abruptly, making Tiana fall over her direhorses head, while Arvok was able to stay on.

Tiana's body hit the floor pain instantly rose in her body, she and winded herself as she fell onto her back, she struggled to catch her breathe, both Navis ran to her side. Genuine concern on their faces, "Tiana are you alright?"

It took her a moment to be able to answer, but she nodded regaining her breathe back. "I-I'm okay..."

They both held her arms helping her to her feet, they didn't let go of her until they were certain she was able to stand on her feet. "Thank you..." they both nodded and moved back, "why did she suddenly stop?" They turned and looked behind Tiana, it was the end of the valley in which they had free roam of, it was filled with plants and high trees.

"Maybe I should have looked where I was going" Tiana scratched the back of her head, while making a nervous laugh. "No it's wasn't you, it was my fault I had you distracted... Tiana.." Arvok frowned feeling bad that he had stopped Tiana from looking where she was going.

"No no I should have looked where I was going, it wasn't your fault at all." Arvok wasn't too convinced, but didn't argue it further. "Yes the alien is right you shouldn't feel sorry brother, she should have been looking where she was going." Tiana wasn't even be offended by his harshness, because it was true.

Because of her lack of concentration she had hurt herself and could have hurt her direhorse and Arvok. "Will you call her by her real name brother? It's Tiana not alien, our parents taught us better than that." This had made Tiana eyes furrow her brows, brother... parents?

They were siblings? The longer she looked at the two, the more  they resemble each other, the same nose, eyes and face shape. To say she was shocked was an understatement. Tiana was broken from her thoughts as Tsu'tey sighed, he didn't fight on what his brother said and just turned to Tiana with a slight glare. "Let's go, we try again."

Hello and long time no see! Avatar has finally come back to Disney plus and it had encouraged me to finished this chapter, I'm so so sorry that it's been so long since I last updated, but I hope you enjoyed the chapter! What do you think of it?

Please comment, vote and follow me!

Written: 29/06/21
Completely: 21/12/22

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