Chapter 13

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Tiana Sully

*mention of rape, and sexual topics*

The next day, Grace had spoken to Tiana that they would move to the little shack Site 26 where 4 working links were placed, incase of emergencies, but she thought that it would be a good idea because they can be isolated from other colleagues and will not be disturbed.

Which Tiana fully agreed to as this meant that she could stay away from Rowan and the rest of the scientists team, meaning she can get both her clan activities done and biology research done without fail, she didn't question her mentors intentions at all.

There was no turning back.

Four days later and they were heading out, Tiana was currently in her room clearing out her remaining clothes and important items, she was nearly done when she saw glimpse of an old photo of her younger self, Jake, Tommy and their parents.

It was Christmas Day and it would be the last that they would ever see their parents, Tiana smiled sadly running her fingers over all their faces, they were all together and truly happy. The last day their lives were complete.

Tiana was removed from her daze, when there was a knock on the door, "come in" as the door opened Tiana faced it. It was Rowan standing intimately in the door way.

He didn't give his normal smile, only a glum stare. "What do you want Rowan?"

"You know exactly what I want, but we won't go there, why didn't you tell me that you were leaving? Out of all the people to hear it from, I had to hear it from Quartich."

Tiana turned to continue packing her things, turning her back towards him. "I've been busy, with my work Rowan I don't have any spare time to come and tell you."

"But you can come to me for a quick fuck!?" He shouted out in rage, while slamming the door shut, but it didn't effect Tiana in the slightest, it only made her sigh. "Rowan with all due respect, we knew when we started this, this is all our relationship would be. If you started to get attached... why didn't you just stop?" She knew her words would hurt him, but it was true with what she said, when they first agreed to this friends with benefits, none of them would get attached.

"I can't help the way I feel Tiana! We were close friends even before this... I've always liked you and the day we made the agreement it was heaven to me..." the room went silent between the two, they would hear a pin drop if it fell.

She liked Rowan, she really did, but not the way he wanted her too. In the recent months, she's started to regret her decision with their agreement, she had a feeling he would get attached at some point. But not this quickly and she had no idea he liked her before they had started their situationship.

"Rowan if you had these feelings before and knew my feelings as well, you shouldn't have started this, knowing fully well I did it as a release a distraction from my work. I thought we were on the same page, but I guess I was extremely wrong-" before she can say anything else Tiana was grabbed and spun around, nearly giving her whiplash, she looked at him slightly shocked, Rowan never being this rough with her unless he was pounding her cunt.

He looked at her with so much anger and sadness, she almost felt sorry for him but he knew what they were getting into and knew it would go no further than a quick occasional fuck. Tiana tried to get out of his grip, but he only seemed to tighten his hold, Tiana was strong but not as strong as the 6ft gym pro.

"Rowan get off of me—" she tried again but was unsuccessful "Tiana, look me in the eye and tell me truthfully, did you really not feel anything? Anything at all when we spent all that  time together?" She sighed and looked at him straight with no emotion, she was silent, looking right into his soul. Just like he was with her, he was angry but hopeful that she would say that she cared for him, just like he does with her.

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