Chapter Four

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"Honey, are you all right?" Sebby had asked after they'd walked into the waiting area. The examination had already been carried out, so they sat anxiously waiting to hear from the doctor. TJ was so grateful his papa caught up with them on time, getting checked out with his dad made him a little nervous.

"You good?" His dad asked as well, because apparently asking once wasn't enough. If overbearing were people, it'll definitely be these lot.

"I'm fine, Dad. I'm just tired." TJ managed. He really was tired though, now that he thought about it.

Not long after that the doctor walked in with a chart in hand. "Hello there. How's everyone doing?" He greeted cheerfully, but was met with blank worried stares. The doctor chuckled. "No need to panic it's nothing a little vitamins can't take care of."

"Sorry doctor Elliott, we're just a little nervous because this one hardly ever gets ill." Sebby informed him, polite as ever.

Quincy on the other hand stood behind his son trying not to open his mouth cos he didn't have anything nice to say, all he knew was that nigga better quit smiling in his face and read the damn results.

TJ only half listened to what the rest of the room was fussing about, his primary attention was on his phone, where he tried to keep up with Amaru's hyperactive chatter.

"It's okay, I understand how these things are." Doctor Elliott smiled. "I've seen too many of..."

"Nígga what the results say? Damn! You tryna talk us into coma or sum?" Quincy interrupted rudely.

Sebby shut his husband a warning glare, then flashed the doctor an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry about that, my husband is usually more patient that this." He lied.

"It's alright. Okay, let's proceed shall we. Mr James, from what I got out of your blood work, there isn't too much to worry about. Although it seems like you have a little cold, and that seems to be from lack of necessary vitamins that's needed for a healthy pregnancy. Your diet and..."

"Huh? Pre what? What the fuck is you talking about?" Quincy all but yelled.

TJ felt an enormous shock wave flow through his body, rendering him almost speechless. His mouth dropped open and the room spun for a second. "Pregnant? I don't understand," he said, "That's impossible."

Dr Elliott gave TJ a wide grin. "Oh, it's more than possible, my dear. It's a fact. You're going to have a baby."

You know how they say 'read the room'?, Yeah the doc should've definitely did that, because the next thing he knew Quincy was picking him up and slamming him against the wall. "What the fuck your quack ass grinning about? You sure you even got a medical degree nígga? My FUCKING CHID AIN FUCKING PREGNANT! He don't even go with nobody! The fuck is you saying?!"

Sebby was stuck to the spot he was at for a hot minute, overwhelmed and unsure of what to do. Needles to say, security kicked them out of the premises.

>>>>>Thirty Minutes Later<<<<<

The ride back home was silent and tense at the same damn time. Now that they were in the house all hell was breaking lose, while TJ sat quietly on the sofa. He hadn't uttered a single word since they left the hospital, he was disturbingly calm to say the least.

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