Part 15: what!

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Qani's blood boiled in rage as his dad kept going off on him. He wasn't used to his dad scolding him like this, and he wasn't used to being yelled at period, so it was safe to say he was passed the fuck off. But at the same time he knew better than to talk back, he didn't want that type of problems right now.

He wished his papa would say something though, all his papa had to do was say anything and his dad would stop, but instead he just sat there saying nothing. Which only meant that he was mad too.
Just fucking great.

And to think that he had been so fucking happy just an hour ago, getting ready for this party he had to take Ri to on campus. Matter of fact, Ri was on his way here, and Qani just hoped this mess was over and done with before then.

"Dad come on, it ain't even a big deal, the meeting got canceled last minute and I'm all good, so what's the problem?"

"Yeah this time! You got lucky this time, it could've gone the other way. What about next time huh? You always gon make stupid ass decisions like these forever? It was bad enough that you turned down a full ride for no reason? Now this? Your fucking coach had to reach out to pops for fuck sake, you can't be..."

"What?! You did what?!" Rio exclaimed from the doorway, looking absolutely stunned, and pissed off.

Just fucking great! Qani thought.

Quincy shook his head, held out his hand to his husband and lead him out of the living room quietly. The way he was fucking pissed right now, if he didn't leave, he was finna whoop this boy's ass.

"Ri don't start please, pops went in enough and we gotta go if we wanna beat traffic." Qani said tiredly after his parents left, he was over this evening before it even started.

"As he should, why would you do some stupid shit like that? Are you crazy?" Rio scolded harshly, he looked like he wanted to take Qani's head off.

Qani rolled his eyes. "I did it for you, the fuck?"

"What? Ian ask you to do that."

"You didn't have to, You was sad and moody all day when I told you I was leaving."

"So what nigga? I get sad when you go to the store for too long, don't mean I want you to give up opportunities! You told me they withdrew their offer, you lied to me! I never lied to you my whole life and you lied straight to my face ." Rio accused angrily.

Qani snorted rudely, "Yeah right you've never lied to me." Qani muttered. "You lied about that Bram shit for whatever reason, you don't see me biting your head off."

Rio swallowed sadly, it was at the tip of his tongue to say something about that, but he and Bram were finally at a place where they didn't wanna kill each other no more, and he didn't wanna start up any mess.

Qani took a deep breath and sighed, then pulled Rio into his chest, hugging him. "Can we just go to this party? Please? I don't wanna talk about this no more."

Silence stretched for a while, before Rio finally broke it. "I could've gone with you, you know." He mumbled into Qani's chest.

Qani pulled back a little and met his gaze. "Yeah I know, but you didn't have to because it wasn't necessary. I'm good where I'm at, and it's all good."

"That's still fucked up though, what you did was fucked up, you can't do shit like that. I want you to reach your full potential, and I can't have you resenting me later." Rio argued stubbornly.

Qani hissed. "Man shut up, I could never resent you, are you nuts?"

"I'm serious, stop laughing it off. Promise me you'd never do no shit like that ever again."

"Fine." Qani mumbled.

"No Promise." Rio insisted, because he knew Qani never broke a promise.

"I promise." Qani said, smiling. All the while crossing his fingers.

He then placed a gentle kiss on Rio's forehead.

"Pfft...weird mutherfuckers." TJ muttered from the couch at the far end of the living room, close to the dining door. Making both Qani and Rio jump in shock.

"What the fuck Junior?! How long you been there?" Qani spat, throwing a couch pillow at TJ. He was always doing creepy shit like that, Qani wouldn't be surprised he'd been there all day.

TJ ducked the pillow and turned his attention back on his sketchbook, rolling his eyes. He thought those two where slow as fuck, but it was none of his business.

"Yo I got you something, I'mma send it over tomorrow aight?" Rio told TJ as Qani pulled him by his shirt out of the house.
At least he got a nod for a response, must be a good day.


The party was cool as far as frat parties went, the music was good, and the people weren't as irritating as Qani thought they'd be. It did help that majority of the crowd were his teammates though.

Qani stood by a corner with Kade and watched Ri play beer pong with some frat boys, he looked right at home. Shaking his head, Qani took a hit of his blunt. Too bad Bram didn't wanna come, cos this was a bomb ass party.

Qani smiled at the thought of his boyfriend. He was glad Bram and Ri were finally in a place where they could breathe the same air without wanting to rip each other's head off. Bram had been making an effort over the last couple of weeks, and Qani was grateful for it.

"Nígga what you cheezing mad hard for? Damn!" Kade said, shoving Qani playfully.

"Don't touch me again if you wanna keep using that hand nígga." Qani joked.

"Whoa, Okay. Calm down." Kade laughed, raising his hands in surrender, before turning to face Rio, who was now on top of a table doing who knew what. "He single?" Kade asked Qani, referring to Rio. "He's cute as fuck."

"Don't even think about it." Was Qani's immediate response.

"What? Why? I can't like your cousin? He's cute and he a free spirit, I like that about him. If he's single what's the problem?" Kade inquired, his demeanor turning a bit serious.

Qani's demeanor hardened immediately, completely void of every hint of playfulness. "Stay the fuck away from him Kade, I ain't gon tell you again. I know exactly how you be treating the niggas you fuck with, and I'm sure you like how you're breathing freely. Let's make sure it stay that way huh." Qani tapped his teammate on the shoulder in conclusion and walked away.

He suddenly felt angry and irritated, and he wanted to go home. So he went to where Ri was, pulled him by his arm and lead him out of the party. He'd had enough for one day.

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