Chapter Ten

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From Omar:
Hey. Haven't heard from you in a min, we good? Call me.

From Kiara:
I miss you, where have you been? Let's all do something this weekend, Omar misses you too. 😘

From Letitia:
Did you die? Even if you died it still doesn't give you an excuse to not call back your best friend. Call me bitch.😠

From Q:
Good morning shawty. Hada leave early, but I'll call you after practice. Love you.

Rio smiled at the last text, trying to fully wake up. His eyelids felt like someone had sellotaped them together. He'd stayed up all night studying for his project coming up and now he felt like a house fell on him. Majoring in filmmaking meant that majority of his assignments and researches required extensive amount of time in-front of a computer screen, and that tended to take it's toll on a person's eyes.

To Q:
love you too💙

To Letitia:

He replied to the two people he had responses for and got on his feet, he was going to worry about the other two another time.

Rio dragged himself into the shower, feeling marginally better afterwards. Getting dressed quickly he went out to take the bus. He and Q were going to his parents house later that evening so there was no point of him driving into school knowing Q was driving them home.
As he got into the bus he felt an odd sensation of being watched, but he shook it off feeling that this was perhaps his natural sense of paranoia kicking in again.


Hours later, Rio sat in a secluded area of the library and scratched the back of his head frustratedly. This one professor was hell bent on making his life miserable. It didn't matter how hard he worked or how much effort he put into his assignment the man still found a way to make him feel stupid. He was tired of this stupid class if he was being honest.

He was so caught up in his frustration that he hadn't even noticed Qani standing there.

Qani stood there and stared at the little adorable wrinkles on Rio's forehead with a smile on his face. He went through a mental checklist of things that they needed to do this weekend: have hot sex, take the twins to grandpa Ty's house. Make out, go grocery shopping, more sex, take TJ and Sia shopping for their 19th birthday presents, and visit their parents respectively. Oh yeah, have some more mind blowing sex.
Smiling to himself. Okay he was kidding... but not really.

"Miss me?" He interrupted Ri's thoughts, taking a step forward.

The deep, rumbling voice was instantly recognizable and sent a shudder down Ri's spine. He looked up to see his man leaning against the door frame, and that was just what the doctor ordered. He stood up and practically flung himself into Qani's arms and held on to him tightly.

"What's wrong baby?" Qani questioned, sliding his hand up and down Ri's back soothingly.

Ri looked up at him sadly and began to tell him everything he was feeling. "...and something about how he says it make me feel dumb. I feel like changing majors honestly, maybe I'm no good at this shit. Maybe it was just a stupid hubby I needa leave in high school."

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