26| bury me, i dare you

Start from the beginning

Ouch. He wasn't wrong, when I began spending a lot of time with Connery and the boys I barely saw Stensby anymore. The air got a little tense and I honestly didn't know how to respond. There was no right answer and as much as I would have loved to clear the air, the moment wasn't right.

"I need a drink," Peyton blurts out. Kudos to her for coming to my rescue. "Any suggestions? Tequila shots sound just great."

"I know a place downtown," Sèbastien adds. "It's always mostly empty, which is perfect because at least we can hear ourselves talk."

"Perfect, we better get on moving then." Peyton grins.

We all got up from the table and walked over to where our cars were parked. Kelsea was riding with Stensby and Sèbastien which meant that Peyton would be riding with me or at least that's what I thought. Peyton is always up to no good and I should've known better than to trust that she wouldn't pull any kind of stunt.

"I'll be riding with Stensby and Kelsea," Peyton says and I give her a look. "I have a few things to discuss with Kelsea so Sèbastien should ride with you so you don't have to drive by yourself."

I throw daggers at my best friend for always trying to play cupid. "I can drive to the bar by myself, I'm pretty sure that Sèbastien would prefer to ride with you guys."

"I don't mind," Sèbastien adds. Wrong answer Sèbastien, wrong answer.

"It's settled then," Peyton says with a devious grin.

My price just went higher, Peyton will have to end up paying for my orders at Alejandro's a lot longer than she had anticipated. Sèbastien and I got in my car, it was a little awkward at first but I wasn't going to spend whatever time it took to get downtown in silence. Even though I'm the worst at starting conversations, I went for it.

"So," I start. "Where are you from?"

Sèbastien chuckles. That's not a good sign. I repeat. That's not a good sign. How else was I supposed to start the conversation though? I'm not really sure, but asking him what his body count is when I barely know him is one, inappropriate, and two, none of my business.

"France," Sèbastien replies. It made sense, he sort of has a little bit of an accent. "I moved to the states when I started high school to pursue baseball and I lived with my aunt until I graduated."

"I kind of knew because of your accent and the way you pronounced your name but I wanted to confirm it," I admit. "If you don't mind me asking, how did you find that love for baseball. France isn't exactly known for playing the sport."

"It's okay, I don't mind at all," Sèbastien replies. "My dad is American, he met my mom on one of his many business trips to the company he had established in France. He moved there indefinitely once they were married. My dad is the biggest baseball fan, I've been wearing spikes since I was four."

I let out a small laugh. "You had to be a baseball player, there was no other choice for you then."

Sèbastien chuckles. "Pretty much, I didn't mind though. I love playing."

"It shows," I add. "Do you miss being back home with your family?"

"Every single day, the time zones don't exactly make the situation any easier." Sebastien frowns. "One thing I do miss though more than everything besides my family is the food. American food doesn't compare to French cuisine."

"I've never been, but I haven't heard anything contradicting what you just said," I add. "You must be a good cook then."

I don't know why I just said that, maybe it's because I have Gabriel from Emily in Paris fresh in my mind. I continue to embarrass myself, at this point, Sèbastien must have his mind made up about me. "As a matter of fact and I say this as humble as possible. I'm an amazing cook."

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