Runs in the Family

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"Look alive, you guys," Ashley called out from the back of the carriage, "it may be dark but we're almost there."

Storm rolled her eyes and scoffed, "'Bout time, I was getting sick and tired of looking at horse ass tonight."

The five of them had been riding for a couple of hours to Miguel's, it usually take long to travel there on transportation but since Ashley wanted to choose a Clydesdale as their horse for transportation it made traveling a bit slower than usual.

The army were already at the mansion surrounding the back just like what Ashley had told them. Now they waited impatiently for him and their signal to attack.

As they voyaged Storm stared off into the dark forest looking at a few walkers passing by them. Sophie couldn't help but lean beside her in comfort rubbing her hand softly. Storm became less tense with her presence beside her, not making all her worries go away, but calmed her bringing peace to her chaotic mind.

"It's going to be alright,"Sophie whispered resting her chin on Storm's shoulder, "they're going to be alright, I know they are."

Storm chuckled dryly, "You're so sure."

"You just have to be," she wrapped her arms around Storm's waist and sighed heavily, "it's what Minnie always told me . . ."

"Really?" she hummed, "funny, I always thought you were the brave one."

Sophie frowned, "She was . . . before we were taken. , I thought she would see that the fucked things they done to us was wrong, but the Delta broken her up so badly that they blinded her morals. As for me, I thought I no choice but to stay strong for not only her, but for myself. I saw right through their sick way of life, Minnie did too, but she became too wounded to call them on their bullshit," she squeezed her eyes as tears threatened to spill, "it's what eventually killed her and our brother."

Storm gently stroked her long fiery hair, "I'm sorry, after all the shit she's been through I still can't blame her for what she did too you."

Just like I can't blame Matias for the way he turned out.

"I bet she never got to see them again," Sophie sniffled with Storm not knowing who she was taking about but chose to leave it alone for now.

Izzy just looked at the two with a soft smile while holding a sleeping Coyote in her arms. She was aware of them getting closer and closer everyday, she saw that Sophie was pretty sure on her feelings for Storm, but she didn't know if Storm herself was sure about the way she felt for the redhead.

This made her worry for Sophie's heart as she was known to be too hopeful.

"For most of my life I dedicated to taking care of him the best I could, showing him right from wrong, not to kill in vain, how to properly love someone," Storm glared and sighed, "some shitty job I did."

"I believe you did a great job," Sophie smiled reassuring her, "sure he may have his little anger moments and went off on his daily sprees, but you seen the changes in him ever since Violet came in his life, I see them too. She made him bring out that soft and cuddly side you taught him to be. Without you and having to be all alone in that group you guys were taken to I think he would've been down the same path Minnie was in."

"He was close," she smiled back at Sophie, "but not close enough," Storm put her other hand over Sophie's, "I appreciate you, Sophia."

"Just you being here makes me appreciate you more."

As Izzy was about to smile on how cute the two were they all instantly turned to Ashley calling them.

"This our stop," he announced then chuckled, "told you we were almost here."

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